Monday, May 30, 2022

RE: Mausica Teachers' College Leadership, 1967 - 1968Fwd: MAUSICA WEEKLY EMAILS 2022-MAY-13


Do include the following with attachment in the next blog

It was such a joy to attend last Saturday's  Mausica Zoom meeting at which there were two main highlights viz. the Proposed Mausica Teachers' College Scholarship Award Programme; and the tribute to the much celebrated Pioneer Desmond Waite who has just transitioned.

I fully support the Scholarship  Award Programme and this has led me to my MTC archives.

Attached is the memorable document  In Memoriam service to our first esteemed  College Principal Mr. Harry Joseph (HarryJo) who led a Teacher Education team including the incomparable Daphne Pilgrim Cuffie,  Roland Maundy, Fitzjames Williams, June Joseph, Hamlyn Dookhan, Fanny Roopchand, Wilfred Phillips, Ralph Douglass, Matron, Ishiah Boodhoo, and Evelyn Hordatt.

We owe a debt of gratitude to these pioneering Teacher Educators led by Harry Jo who imprinted on our year group 1967 - 1969: 'You cannot  teach them (learners), if you do not love them' ... a mantra that so many of us chanted throughout our teaching careers, and generally in life....  '

Let's see the MTC Scholarship Award Programme as a 'love' tribute to Mausica, acknowledging how our personal and professional identity has been shaped.

Bring back the ole times days.... bring back the ole time ways.....!!  (Richard Nappy Mayers)

Gwendoline Williams 69

Sunday, May 22, 2022



Pearl I think that Princes Town was very well represented with that memorable contingent of four. That pudding song won for topicality. Very very Mausican event, that pudding ceremony. I was at the table on which the pudding fell....Errol Jones, Raymon Mendes, Stanisclaus....among the pall bearers...

very very sad Memories because Cheryl Gittens was at the table and came out the worse...the pudding itself weaponized with alcohol and very much on fire as it fell--on her...

There were other South people in our year group who were a bit older..I think Roy Jagroopsing ...Gaston Alleyne, and Ormond Fournilier would not have been teens....

I think the age balance was right....generally speaking...The people in charge of this thing were wise beyond words..

they designed the community..

Students like Mervyn Sandy kept the place on even keel with their maturity....


Theodore Lewis 69

Friday, May 20, 2022

Re: Fwd: Zoom Meeting May 7: MTCA Scholarship Award



"and this too will pass"

Following are video extracts from the Zoom meeting of May 7, 2022.

Meeting notes along with the slide presentation and Terms of Reference (TOR) for the Scholarship Award were shared on last week's blog.

A letter of Invitation to Donate will be sent out soon.

Comments, questions or suggestions can be sent to:

OR contact any member of the team members as below.

i.                     Presentation on Scholarship Award

ii.                   Q&A and Discussion:

iii.                 Tribute To Desmond

(P.S. Please excuse the video quality; there were technical challenges).

Members of the Legacy Planning Committee

Conrad Thomas                Bernice Stephens-Alleyne

Brenda Alexander-Perez   Kay Cyrus

Selwyn Jacob                    Brenda Walters

Brenda Alexander-Perez 65

Monday, May 16, 2022



Scratch and Gwen are so correct in their assessment of Arthur Hume. I don't know how it happened but in '97 the four of us from Princes Town were mature students near the cut-off age of 25 and as alluded to by Scratch it showed. Judith Suite and I were roommates for both years at Kirkendale, and subject to correcction, Oswald (Bing) and Arthur also remained together for both years. Yes Gwen you are correct. Maestro and I were good friends and up to a few years ago I was telling someone that if we had kept up the friendship I might have been a calypsonian myself. You might remember 'Walk with yuh key' a pun on persons who sang off-key, and 'De puddin' tumble down' a satire on the event at the Christmas dinner.

I bounced up Arthur ever so often at the supermarket jn Princes Town and we almost forget the shopping as we chatted and chatted and chatted. Arthur remained with the same trim size and was always as neat as ever. He still moved with the speed of lightning. That is why his death hit me for six.

However it is a road we all must take, and from all reports he lived a worthy life. May his soul rest in peace and rise in glory

Pearl Yvonne Mulrain 69

Wednesday, May 11, 2022



Rest in Peace Arthur. How well I remember your quiet demeanour, love of the cuatro, and absolute neatness of attire.

Your brother Maestro, to this day, remains one of my favourite calypdonians... His Bionic Man rendition and death soon thereafter brought me much personal pain.

Rest in Peace Arthur and Cecil.

Gwendoline Williams 69



Pearl, thanks for the alert that Arthur Hume has died. This is very very sad news. He was indeed a member of  the 67-69 group, a Haven man from Princes Town, he and his roomate Oswald Murray both from there.

I remember that he had studied German, among other languages. He often demonstrated  usage of the language in the Haven corridor, deploying it as part of the welcome repertoire to which Haven men resorted when the 68-70 group came in.

What makes this death and that of other Mausicans of my era so numbing is that the only image I have of him is one when he was about 20-21, very much alive in the Haven.

Did not see him since we parted company at graduation. There was a maturity about him, which Oswald complemented.

I had an email exchange with him short years ago, when I was trying to track down the lyrics of his brother Maestro of the song Concert at the hall. We had a chat onnthe phone. Pearl you had kindly provided his telephone number.

The image of him as a mature man is helpful, communicating the seriousness I remember.


Theodore Lewis 69