Friday, November 05, 2021



Looking through my archive of pictures, I stumbled upon these from our trip to Guyana in 1970.

Pic #1

After waiting in Piarco for the whole day, the plane finally arrived to take us to Guyana.  When we landed, Officials were there with photographers to take pictures of our arrival. I walked with my quatro, and I started singing and playing a Mausica folk song. Mauretta. Everybody joined in, spread out and sang our way to the building where the immigration was waiting for us. The officials joined us, but did not know the song, but from the picture, it was clear that they enjoyed our arrival.

Picture #2:

That was where we had our meals. If you look closely, you will see Malcolm Pena still eating. This is where Happy sang his calypso, Panty Raid at Taj Mahal, 10 minutes after the woman came in to complain about losing all her panties. Her exact words were,

" Commander Young, those boys stole all my panties, and I don't think it is funny."

Picture #3

Our sleeping arrangements. Those of us who went to Lethem after working at Mhadia, had to sleep in hammocks.

Picture #4

The only person in this picture who is not a Mausican is Charlie. He is the short one in front holding my quatro. He is half Amerindian, and was in charge of our work gang.

Garth Nicholas

1969 to 1971

Sunset Villa

Garth Nicholas 71

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Eldica Albert passed away recently.She was year group 69- 71. May her soul rest in Peace ☮️☮️.