Hi Errol
Thanks once again for keeping the Mausica memory alive.
The Oranges Caper
‘Twas close to midnight “not a creature wasstirring, not even a mouse,” but those dressed in black. We Havenite’s orange reapers were gathered to make their usual foray to the orange field opposite the campus. Some I recall were, Hops (Hayden Murray), Hospedales, Amede, Macpherson (crawler), Tony Murray, Boodoo, et al. This was a normal after-dark covert operation, after which we would throw the evidence of eaten oranges in front ofMayfair, so that they would be blamed for the act and for littering.
While moving among the trees feeling for the ripefull oranges (we were experts at this in the dark). BANG!! a gunshot rang out…everyone scattered and ran like hell back to campus.
When we gathered…everyone trembling, s..t one was missing.. Tony Murray….yuh talk bout worry…man holding dey head… of course no sleep for the rest of the night.
Early in the morning we gathered with heavy hearts to make the trek to report to Mrs Cuffy. As we were on our way, we saw a figure coming through the track… lawd ah mercy… it was Tony Murray laughing at us. He said that he made a bee line to the girls hostel where he found safe heaven, oops, haven, and he decided to stay put and make us worry. Despite being grateful that he was safe, he nearly get a cut arse for putting us through hell…..here endeth..
S. Finbar Ryan 70-72
S. Finbar Ryan 70-72
'take time to laugh for it is the music of the soul....'
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