Friday, February 01, 2019

RE: Fw: REUNION 2019

Greetings and a Special Hello to the Mausican Family.
Please find below a report on the status of Reunion 2019.
At our get - together on Sunday 20th, the following decisions/recommendations were made:
(1) It is impractical at this time to continue negotiations for our planned cruise.
(2) For this year the cruise can be replaced with one of the following options:
     (a) Visit to St. Vincent - End of June/beginning July. This is to coincide with Vincy Mas.
     (b) Visit to Grenada - August 8th to August 15th. This time will coincide with Grenada  Carnival and return to Trinidad in time for CARIFESTA which starts on August 16th.
     (c) Visit to Cuba - Mid July.
You are kindly asked to indicate your preferred option by February 15, so that a final decision can be made at our "Carnival Brunch" on Sunday February 17th.  Everyone is invited to attend.
You can send your responses to: Howard Spencer at
or Carol Brown at
or Carlston Gray at or
Howard Spencer 74

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