Friday, January 04, 2019

RE: Thank you

Dear Errol,
Thank you for the wonderful initiative of the Mausica Blog which keeps us connected to one another. It is ubuntu in action.
We have shed tears together on the loss of our loved ones from the Mausica Family and have also been moved to commiserate with those who have mourned the loss of  their family members. We have shared wonderful, pleasurable memories of the Mausica experience and have celebrated one another 's successes.
I have had many occasions for self-reflection this year and have had an amazing journey, that has brought home to me that we are not in control of all that happens to us. Earlier this year, I suffered a great deal of physical pain. At one point I was hobbling about on crutches and travelling from USA to France and Italy against doctor's advice, but with the reservation that if I must, that I do not travel alone. It is because of Mausica experience that I have done the work of in my own little way, like so many of you, that earned me the national award and because of my Mausica training I can stand as an independent senator and remember those early morning assemblies that helped to hone our debating skills.
This last week, I have had so many memories flooding back of my Mausica days and our special lecturers. I remember Mr. Dukhan and his preoccupation with Harribance. I recall Beryl Wood saying, " I am only one Wood." We dared not say, 'Miss Woods.' The Cuff saying: "A change is as good as a rest," and my not understanding then, but now, remembering and understanding,  when I spent Christmas with my daughter in Florida,this year, and while working hard in her kitchen, after having left all the books and papers behind, and yet feeling refreshed in a new place. I recall Miss Roopchand telling us, "My name is Constance Roopchand, but I am called Fanny. I am divorced." I recall going to her home, which was then near UWI entrance,  to pass the time before I attended a late class and her assuaging my hunger with Crix, that never tasted so good. I recall Mr. Maundy's smile and June Joseph's sense of style in dressing, Mr. Lougheide's enthusiasm and Miss Hordatt's gentle ways and Mr. Brown telling me how disappointed he was in me when I played a heated round-bottom flask and put a pillow in my butt and wined down the place. Ah Mausica! Thank you for the memories and for encouraging us to continue "moulding a nation through service".
Happy New Year to you all.
Hazel Thompson-Ahye 70

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