Monday, November 14, 2016


Autumnal Wreath
Dear Errol, 
It was a pleasure to see you in Trinidad when i did a whirlwind visit to the Mausican  Planning Committee at UWI this year.
Blessings to you for all you do my dear.
It seems as though the "crossing over " season is  on our heals lately. May God grant strength and courage to all the Mausican families that had to say the final farewell to loved ones lately. My condolence to them all.
This brings me to say this:
Yesterday, I received a message from fellow Mausican Clifton De Coteau (64-66) Sunset Villa, stating that Dr  Cliff Bertrand called him and said that Keith Acqui had a massive heart attack and died in Maryland, USA at the weekend.
I have no more details. I just remember Keith being very jolly at  Reunions. I think he even brought his daughter to the one that was held in Grenada. 
May he rest in peace. Our heartfelt condolence to his family.
Myrdith (Osborne ) Brumant   64-66 Villa Nova.
Autumnal Wreath

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