Friday, November 25, 2016

RE: Reunion 2017

My Fellow Mausicans,
First, Marjorie and I wish to extend our condolences to the bereaved families. We will remember you in our prayers.
Take it one day , one moment at a time. Time will heal your sadness and replace it with a joy that surpasseth all understanding.
Fifty-nine years ago my parents and I stood on Sixth Avenue and Tenth Street in Barataria. My father, a taxi driver,  had met my mother and me there with the intent of enrolling me in St. George's College. That year the newly elected PNM Gov't had given 250 scholarships.  I had placed 252. in the College Exhibition Exam. At that time the college accepted students whose parents could afford the fee. My father, bless his soul, felt he could not pay the tuition. He drove off and I returned to my elementary school, Barataria EC. The next year, my grandmother enrolled me in Osmond High School, on Fifth Street, San Juan. .
Private secondary schools, like Osmond, Progressive, Ideal, Providence and Southern Polytechnic no longer exist. The late Arthur Murray and J Hamilton Holder should receive posthumous awards for their significant contributions. Earlier this year, a voice prompted me to call Mr. James Sammy, Principal of St George's College,  and request that I become the first, honorary graduate of St George's College. On Thursday November, 10th, 2016, my dream was fulfilled. The Achievement Day celebration was held in the Parish Hall of St Mary's Anglican Church in Tacarigua. My mother's grave is in the church yard . Her spirit was there with me, as I delivered my acceptance speech.
Our God is awesome!
On Monday, Nov. 14th a few of my Mausican brothers stopped by "tuh bus ah lime". Carl Caton, Clive Grell, Clive Ballantine. alias Poole, Selwyn Thompson, alias Sweetface, and Efebo Wilkinson were most present. Meh pardnah, John De Coteau from GTC  cook ah bad pelau. It was like de feedin of de 5,000. Marj and I bring back some to de States. We eat de last set on Thursday. We took ah drink in memory of our departed brother, Keith Aqui.
De lime was reminiscent of the good times in any of de men's hostel in MTC. Talk bout laughter and singing.
Carl Caton could sing any of de calypso from dat era. Wat Efebo can't remember, Carl know verse and chorus. De fella bad fuh days. De consensus is dat we should have a Karioke night wit only Mausica kaiso at de 2017 Reunion.
By de way, Efebo boast dat his wife, Lucille, does make de best fruit cake in de universe. Right now ah pinching away at ah black cake dat Mary make. Clive, yuh wife is #1, right now. So Efebo, Lucille have tuh come real good. My mother was my Numero Uno., My sister, Doreen, inherit the gift. Some of de girls from Villa Nova should remember getting ah piece of de black cake my mother made for my 21st birthday.
So long for now My Fellow Mausicans. TNT still sweet.
As usual,
Rodney Foster 66-68.

Saturday, November 19, 2016


Condolences to the family of Keith Aqui, especially his brother Dean who was my class mate at George's.
Gwen (Peter) Willams 69

Friday, November 18, 2016

RE: R..I. P.

So sorry to hear of the passing of Keith Aqui. May he rest in Peace
Janet (Penny Gumbs)Lashley. 1964-66


May Keith Aqui's soul rest in peace. I knew him quite well.
Austin Warner 65

Monday, November 14, 2016


Autumnal Wreath
Dear Errol, 
It was a pleasure to see you in Trinidad when i did a whirlwind visit to the Mausican  Planning Committee at UWI this year.
Blessings to you for all you do my dear.
It seems as though the "crossing over " season is  on our heals lately. May God grant strength and courage to all the Mausican families that had to say the final farewell to loved ones lately. My condolence to them all.
This brings me to say this:
Yesterday, I received a message from fellow Mausican Clifton De Coteau (64-66) Sunset Villa, stating that Dr  Cliff Bertrand called him and said that Keith Acqui had a massive heart attack and died in Maryland, USA at the weekend.
I have no more details. I just remember Keith being very jolly at  Reunions. I think he even brought his daughter to the one that was held in Grenada. 
May he rest in peace. Our heartfelt condolence to his family.
Myrdith (Osborne ) Brumant   64-66 Villa Nova.
Autumnal Wreath

Sunday, November 13, 2016


Dear Errol--
My condolences to the families of our recently departed Mausicans.
Sadly one more has gone over to that Great Beyond --
Danae Ramsaran Persad -- class of 1970-1972.May she rest in peace -- our sympathy goes out to her family and friends . ( Her funeral was last week)
Best Regards,
Patricia Kalloo Chuckaree(class of 1971-1973)

Friday, November 11, 2016


ON another sad note. Keith Aqui my uncle died today from a massive heart attack. I have no further info now.
Patricia Aqui-Abraham 73

Thursday, November 10, 2016

RE: Reunion 2017

Fellow Mausicans,
Information concerning registration and activities will be forthcoming in the next two weeks.
Please keep Sunday January 22nd free for our Christmas into Carnival Brunch.
Stay Blessed
Phyllis Mottley 70-72
For the Committee
Phyllis Mottley 72

RE: Memorial Service

Thank you Errol for keeping us together.
Some friends of Merle have organized a memorial service for her.
to be held on Monday 14th November @ 9.30 am at St Theresa's RC church 6th Ave Malik Barataria. There will be a sharing after in the church hall.
See you there.
Phyllis Mottley Kirkendale 70-72

Wednesday, November 02, 2016

Pictures attached 20161030_174533[1].jpg, 20161030_174212[1].jpg, 20161030_164735[1].jpg and 20161030_174208[1].jpg
The funeral service for Merle Howe:
Pictures from the funeral service for Merle Howe was held in Houston Texas last Sunday (10/10/16).
Mausica alumni was was represented by Linda Edwards, Hudson Phillips and Carlston Gray
Carlston A. Gray 74