Sunday, March 15, 2015

RE: Fitzie's 98th Birthday Bash

Dear All:
Two weeks ago we celebrated the 98th birthday of Mr. Williams. Amongst those present were members of the two lodges of which he was/is a member and graduates from Mausica College. Mausica was represented by Donald Walker, Maureen Warner and Carol Reveillac (see attached photo). We were later joined by Gwendoline Williams. Mr. Williams royally enjoyed himself that fateful Thursday as he was feted at 10am by lodge members and from 2pm till after 6pm by our party of about nine persons. I am sure that he slept well that night from exhaustion. Mr. William's faculties are exceedingly intact for a 98 year old as he recalled events which were difficult for me, some thirty years his junior, to recall. May we wish him continued good health so that he can make his century not out.
Lennox W. Austin, 1964 - 1966
"To remain neutral in situations of injustice is to choose the side of the oppressor" - Desmond Tutu
Lennox Austin 66

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