Friday, July 25, 2014

RE: Remembering Sydna

Dear Errol
Condolence to the family and friends of Sydna. My prayers go out to her mom Majorie, brother Angus, son Kern, daughter Keisha, and their dad Clive. Peace be with them. My friendship with Sydna lasted 44 years (1970-2014).
At the 2007 Mausica Reunion in Tobago, she and I shared a room. During that time I got to know her even better. She is a very caring person. She is the reason for my callaloo now tasting like 'mammy used to make it'.  She taught me the secret at 2007 Reunion, and I am a pro at it now.
Good bye my friend. May your soul rest in peace.
I am sharing a pic of Sydna with the Mausica family. It was taken at the picnic in Eisenhower Park during the Big Apple Reunion in 2011. She is wearing the Mausica cap with dark shades and a figured blouse.
Joan Parris-Brathwaite (64-66)

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