Tuesday, July 15, 2014

RE: Inspiration

Dear Literary Friends,
The World Cup inspires people to do all sorts of things, some to bite and some to write:

By Felix Edinborough
The mouth was large and opened wide
A blind man could see deep down inside
The teeth were sharp and clean and white
They sure displayed a lovely sight

The eyes were bright and spied the prey
There was nothing to stop it from having its way
The head was tempted to make a lunge forward
To resist such a prize would deem you a coward

Temptation rose and hunger increased
The mind got cloudy and conscience ceased
O what a shoulder! An inner voice did shout
It’s just the size for a hungry mouth

Throwing caution to the wind and no referee in sight
The jaws could not resist that luscious bite.

Felix Edinborough 65

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