Friday, March 02, 2012


Thanks for the 'in touch' of nostalgia. I really do not know most of the people I read about,but just the name "Mausican" is so wonderful that I enjoy the notes anyhow. Memories of Grell Cup; Pineapple Smith;Choral speaking; Folk Swingers and Mrs.Cuffie ; Food fights when you never knew if to duck to the right or the left; Sports Day; Mrs Smuts; the weekend hostel parties; the unforgettable pot of pelau; running through the track; Lester and the famous $330.calypso; election time ...     I  have only fond and fun memories of Oh Mausica.  But A! A! How could I not mention the comical and bright Mr. Rapsey.     So much more... Congrats to all retired, and Specially to those who retired last year. The end of an era?  Not really...
I liked the Quiz sent by B. Gordon.  I only knew about 50% of the answers, but it was fun guessing.  Thanks.
I look forward to the Reunion in 2013. I attended one in Trinidad a long time ago.  Thanks to Sandra Lewis-Borde, I caught up with some of my peeps last year, and certainly do not want to miss the gatherings in 2013.   I am a '70-'72 graduate (Wingation), and retired last year.
Thanks again. Blessings.
Leonora  de Verteuil

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