Saturday, February 25, 2012


Dear Fellow Mausicans,
As usual, it is great to be home. I took in Talk Tent last evening and hearing Farida talk about her teaching experiences really brought back memories.I laughed fuh so.She was excellent. I missed Felix's Pierrot Grenade, though.A pity I will not be here for the lime by my batch mate,Gerald Narinesingh, but I leave in the morning. Have not seen Gerald since I visited him in hospital many years ago after I had learnt of his having been chopped by a bandit. Shucks! I just remembered I did see him afterwards at his son's graduation from Hugh Wooding Law School, when I was teaching there and possibly at his admission to practice.Ah well, getting on in years.Hope you all had a great Carnival. I took in the Dimanche Gras show and a bit of Tuesday mas. I am always promising to check on Fitzie and then not making the time.I must call before I leave.
Today I celebrate with my Dad who is 93 years.
Have a great year.If anyone is passing through Nassau on a cruise, do remember you can find me at theEugene Dupuch Law School there.
Best regards,
Hazel Thompson-Ahye

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