Saturday, February 19, 2011

Extension of Registrati​on deadline

Fellow Mausicans,
Hellooooooooooo.. Can you hear me?  Hear ye!!! Hear ye!!!  Surprise, Surprise!!
The Planning Committee is happy to announce that the Registration deadline of February 15th for the Big Apple Mausica Reunion 2011 has been extended to April 16th 2011.
Thank you to all those members who have already registered. I know that there are many who indicated their interest in joining us, so we await their payments.
We have received payments through registered mail, Moneygram,  Western Union, Paypal, FedEx.. You are free to choose which method is convenient for you.
We are working diligently to  make this Reunion quite a success. Do let us hear from you, if you plan to attend. You now have another 8 weeks to let us know of your plans.
Warm wishes ,
Planning Committee.
Bernice Warrick-Tarradath

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