Wednesday, January 05, 2011

RE: New year's greetings

Hi Errol,
May I take this opportunity to wish you and yours a prosperous 2011 and hope the re-union in July in NY be a resounding success.I must say I have totally enjoyed being a part of the blog and will support the 'Mausican' family where-ever they reside.
I promised in my last letter to up-date the obituary list -not totally but to niclude Mausicans whom I knew passed on :- Motilal Gokool '65, Lawerence Moore '65, Krishna Oudit '66, Harold Nathai'67, Leslie Bullock '68, Lal Raghoo '68, Sagar Mahabir '76.
Just trying to keep the blog informed
Have a blessed year,
Dennis Ramlal.

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