Friday, December 10, 2010

RE: Mausica weekly e-mails

Hi Errol,
I want to commend you for the exellent job you doing in keeping 'Mausicans' together .I was unaware of this association until I met Barbara Burgess at a'Retirees -Teachers meeting 'two months ago .The rest is history .
I am planning to attend the reunion in July '11 in New York .I hope every thing will work out for me to be there.
Finally, I want to wish you,Errol and your family ,avery Holy Christmas and productive 2011and to all Mausicans whereever they may be domiciled God's blessing .See you in New York in July 2011.
Dennis Deokaran Ramlal 1964-1966 (Fair-Haven Hostel)

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