Friday, October 01, 2010

Re: NY Reunion


Hello Errol,
Thanks for my weekly fix. My weekly high.
I would like to take this opportunity to send a shout out to my fellow Mausican brothers and sisters from 66-68, my year group, and those who graduated in 67 and my first year friends who entered in 67.
This is Radio Mayfair coming to you live from the second floor of Mayfair Mansion.
Aye, allyuh, come tuh de reunion, nah.  It does be great. Great fellowship and lots of fun. Yuh could bring yuh spouse, yuh children, yuh significant others and yuh friends. Is like wen we use tuh have ah open fete on campus.  Toute monde bagai. If yuh eh have no companion, doh let dat keep yuh back. Yuh bong tuh pick up ah ting or two. In 2009 in Grenada,, ah meet Marina and Phillip, Farida Chapman and Inez Grey, and Carol Burnett Cook daughters and  de Ahye boys. If yuh see how de young people enjoy deyself. Come prepared tuh dance and sing. Yuh could even perform in de concert. Bring yuh musical instruments. Is fete fuh so. Bring ah few good jokes tuh share on de bus. Wit Alisford providing sweet back in time music, yuh go be dancin nonstop. Yuh should hear de boys an dem sing "Guantanamera",  wit  Lester Efebo leadin  de chorus.
Yes, my fellow Red Guards, come and help meh out, nah. Once yuh experience ah Mausica reunion, " Yuh Bong Tuh Come Back Again".
Marj and I are looking forward to the NY Reunion. See you there.
As usual,
Rodney Foster

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