Monday, October 11, 2010

RE: Big Apple Reunion Housing Accommodation

Thank you Errol for this wonderful job you are doing. We certainly appreciate this magnificent gesture. Kindly publish this on the blog.
Hello Fellowmembers,
Here I am again. For those people who have indicated their need for housing accommodation at the Big Apple Reunion 2011, here is a summary of our rate schedule:
Tower Single: $45.00 per night
Tower Double: $35.00 per night
Suite Single: $53.00 per night
Suite Double $43.00 per night
Grad Dorm Single: $70.00 per night
Grad Dorm Double: $60.00 per night
PS. These are the rates for 2010. However, we have been advised by the Hofstra University authorities of an expected increase of $2 to $3 for 2011 rates. Please bear this in mind.
Remember also, to include $10.00 for the linen package if you should chose the Tower or Suite accommodation.
We need to know your choice of Accommodation. Please choose from the following:
TOWER:         Single _____  Double ______
SUITE:            Single _____  Double ______
GRAD DORM: Single _____  Double ______
This information is helpful to facilitate us in blocking off the rooms of your choice.
Payments will be discussed when the Registration package is sent to you.
Please send your response to at your earliest convenience. I am willing to address any concern you may have.
Thank you for your cooperation.
Warm wishes,
Bernice Warrick-Tarradath

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