Sunday, April 11, 2010

RE: Mausica Weekly



Greetings from "mee one" in London Town to all my Mausican family across the globe.
I smile when I read snippets of banter between the brothers and sisters. ...Like Joan P. B.. my hostel sister referring to me as "Miss Closeup,"
I laugh out loudly when I read the "fatigue" going on between felllow Mausicans....about singing or eating
I feel proud to know I belong to a group that is always willing to help from naming a plant .(nevermind if it was artificial ) or finding someone or helping youngsters with resources for learning.
I feel sad when I hear of folks leaving us too early or too suddenly or just plain leaving and going home to join our Maker.
I am kinda embarrassed when I see pictures and I haven't got a clue who the people are.
I get happy when I see another Mausican saying "add me to the list".
It is like family coming home..
I was not there when the blogging first began Errol so I missed that.
Please tell me how you got started doing this.... Keeping us together thing?
This useful, beautiful, priceless, big brother thing ?
Every blessing to you for it.
Myrdith Brumant.

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