Saturday, April 10, 2010


Hi My Peeps,
How are you all doing? I am very cautious now with these email conversations after what happened to me, with the person hacking into my email and getting my password. I cannot get into my hotmail at all to transfer my contacts, so that I have to begin again. Would really like to cancel my hotmail account, but not finding any way to do that. If anyone knows please educate me. I cannot get into it at all, my password does not work anymore. For this reason you may not be hearing from me that often. Will be in touch with individuals, but the blog not as often. Brenda, I know that you alerted Angela, and she called me. Thank you very much. That week of the 9th March was very stressful for me, I was receiving so many calls from very caring friends who were concerned about me, some knew what it was, but others did not. I know of two people who sent $$$. I was very sad about that. They got in touch with me after the fact. Thank you all for caring and it felt really good to know that so many of you "have my back." Anyway, I am still traumatized. Luckily I know how to self-soothe (we call it) and heal myself, in this case.
Now to New York. Hi to the NY Mausicans, I am sure that it is full speed ahead now. I know that there is a plan to add Broadway to the itinerary. There is a musical called "Fela", which follows the life of Fela Kuti, who was a world-renowned African musician. Is it possible for us to attend this, if it is still playing on Broadway next year? I have a feeling that it will be. Please explore the possibility.
This is the time of year when "Hope springs Eternal." Enjoy the excitement that Spring brings, and remember the three most important Virtues...FAITH..HOPE..CHARITY (LOVE).
Anna Maria Mora

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