Friday, June 26, 2009

RE: BOOK Party at NALIS.
My Fellow Mausicans,
You are invited to a BOOK PARTY.
On Wednesday, July 29th , I'll be celebrating the 20th Anniversary of my first book, "Remember Wen?" at NALIS, corner of Abercromby and Hart, in POS., 6:00 pm to 9:00pm.
Let's celebrate. Walk with your musical instruments and sweet voices.
Rodney Foster

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Dear Ansel:
We the Committee apologise for not answering we all thought the other answered.
All functions for reunion 09 will be held at the Grenada Trade Centre, Located in Grand Anse on the famous Morne Rouge stretch across from Spice Island Inn and Coyaba Beach Resort.
Registration July 21st.
Night of Culture July 23rd.
Gala Dinner Dance July 25th.
Once again accept our apologies.
Megan Welsh for
Planning Committee
Great job Errol. Don't know how you do it, but do keep it up.
Mausicans all, the Committee will like to report that preparation for SpiceIsle Reunion, 09 is on schedule. This e-mail is designed to ask for your help as we seek to package everything before the due date July 21.
First Off: In answer to the question which a number of Mausicans have called about: Yes, you may still register to attend
SpiceIsle Reunion 09 and to participate in the planned activities. Please do by Friday Jule 3, 2009.
Do not miss deadline, but if you do, send an e-mail to - and be assured that once we can fit you in, we will.
The Activities: We again congratulate the faithful members of the family who Registered for the Activies in which they will participate. We are especially proud of you who have Registered Paid for your Activities. You've done so very much to lighten and simplyfy the work of the Planning Committee. Our very special thanks.
Books for Public Library (Children's Section): Our apologies for late arrival of Booklist (attached). We noted with thanaks that in true Mausican spirit and against the late provision of booklist, many have moved ahead with procurement. More power to you. We're aware of your thinking on appropriateness for West Indian childdren etc and are absolutely confident of your selection.
Mausicans all! We love you. God bless and keep you.
See you at SpiceIsle Reunion 09
Alphonsus Antoine
for Planning Committee
Mausica Reunion (Grenada, 2009)
Park Drive, L'Anse aux Epines
P. O. Box 671, St. George's
473-444-1593; 473-405-3316(cell)

Friday, June 19, 2009

Hi Errol, sometimes I do feel that I am too whatever... There is no answer to my e-mail. Please can somebody say exactly where in Grenada are these two activities( welcome and registration and dinner and dance) will be held. Location/address. Thank you.
Ansel Knights

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Hi Errol,
I'm thanking you again for forwarding Mausica News. It was good to hear comments from familar buddies as Bussie, Yvonne, Antoine, Tom , Rick and Kay. Hi to all. Buzzie, I'm like you. I'm grinding too! Necessary family trips interfered with my plans for the Mausica fun times. so alas for me 'dis' time. Tom, thanks for the 'Merrymen' tunes. They sounded real good to my ears in Noblesville.
I'm wonderin who, Anna Maria Mora is. I'm so much outta de loupe.
Pat Gill, Robbins
RE: new addition
Dear Errol
This morning I ran into another Mausican whom I had not seen in 37 years. His name is Krishna Persad (1970-!972) He would like to be added to the e-mailing list. His address is
Euline Fox-Peters
In reference to your comment:
Apparently he dosen't know that he has to go to the end of the long line.
Regretfully, I won't know, pal
Jack Warner
RE: Greetings & Memorial Service for Gene Lloyd
Dear Errol and Mausica Family,
Thank you all for your concern and caring during this difficult time in my life. I’m looking forward to the reunion as seeing all of you again, I know, will certainly bring some joy and laughter… perhaps even “Summer Time.”
My family and I are planning a Memorial Service for Gene to celebrate and give thanks for his life in the place of his birth. The service will be held at St. Cyprian’s Anglican Church in Santa Flora on Saturday, July 11, 2009 at 1:00 PM with a reception to follow.
If anyone of you will be in Trinidad at that time we would love to have you share in the celebration of this “Honourary Mausican.”
If there any questions please do not hesitate to contact me at the information listed below.
Best Regards,
Joan C. Lloyd (nee Kydd)

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Please Errol can I be informed as to exactly where, the location/address of where the registration and welcome is taking place and also where the dinner and dance will be. I am not aware of an address/ location. Thank you. Keep ujp the good work.
Ansel Knights
RE: "I want to be with"
You mean to tell me that men in TNT are now willing to consider bright, attractive independent women as life partners? You mean to say they are no longer primarily interested in you callalloo making and other domestic skills? You mean to say there may be life outside of the bedroom? Are we in the 25th century yet? Take a bow Ana Maria, but don't take him on, such a public comment is merely a power play,more diminishing than elevating.
Linda Edwards(Romain)
staff 1967-1969
RE: spice isle reunion
I would think that the committee in Grenada should have an idea of any funds needed, before our contingent leaves for Grenada. A money order or draft could then be sent with Brenda.
Kay Cyrus
Re: Spice isle reunion
Hi All,
My apologies for starting a small fire although I enjoyed the lively debate. My apologies if any were offended. So, to make amends and cool things off, I offer the link below.
...hope it works
Sweet kaiso! Legends in their own time !! Just great.
Merrymen some 23 years ago .... enjoy!!!
Click below or cut and paste
Conrad Thomas

Monday, June 08, 2009

Re: Reunion 2009 Registration, accommodation & Activities
Dear Winston,
Wonderful - speaking with you yesterday. Here are the required documents. Forgot to ask, but are you plugged into Errol Lashley excellent system.
And Errol, would you kindly add Winston as necessary.
See you in Grenada.
Fraternal Regards.
Alphonsus Antoine
----- Original Message -----
From: winston yallery-arthur
To: Alphonsus Antoine
Sent: Saturday, June 06, 2009 4:01 PM
Hello and best wishes.
As per our conversation today, please send me the list of Reunion events and the cost per event, along with any documents with which I should be familiar.
Thank you and I look forward to seeing you soon.
Winston J. Yallery-Arthur
7306 Georgia Ave., N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20012
Rohanthon Dubisette's
Guest House 473 439 8541
New place visited today 473 407 2092 US55.00 INCL US100.00 INCL Efficiency, cable TV
23-Apr-09 Fans, Screens very clean
Very nice and located
next door to Roydons
No Air Con
Short walk to beach
• Towne & Country (Pandy Beach. 5 minutes drive to Grand Anse Beach) …… 444 4516. (Suitable group of close friends). Can call a taxi use a mini-bus but may be more comfortable with
• South Winds (Grand Anse Beach) 444 4344.
• Wave Crest Holiday Apts (Grand Anse Beach) 444-4116
• Grand View Inn (Grand Anse & Blanco’s Beach) 444-4984
• Lexus Inn……………………………………. 444 4780
Very Short Walk to Grand Anse Beach
Roydon’s ………………………………… 444 4476.
(Best value-for-money of near-to-Grand Anse properties. Gold Standard small property)
Flamboyant Hotel Villas …….. 444-4247 (Modicum of “upscalism”)
Blue Horizon ……………. 473-444-4316. (Somewhat upscale)
On the Beach (Grand Anse Beach). Very good and Regular well-managed properties.
Gems Holiday……………………………… 444 4224
Grenada Grand Beach Resort..……………… 444 4371
Grand Anse Beach Palace ………………… 439-1412
Allamanda Beach Resort……………………. 444 0095
Somewhat more upscale Properties -On Grand Anse Beach.
• Coyaba Beach Resort ……………………… 444 4129
• Spice Island Inn ………………………. 444-4258
Somewhat more upscale Properties -On Other Near-By Beaches.
• Calabash Hotel & Villas (L’Anse aux Epines Beach) 444-4334
• Rex Resort (Pt. Salines Beach. Near Airport) 444-3333.
• Coral Cove Cottages (Small L’Anse aux Epines) A tiny modicum of “Upscalism”. Own transport recommended.
Deyna’sCity Inn……………………………. 435 6830
Tropicana Inn………………………………. 440 1586
1. All recommended properties are close to proposed main centre on activities and are of acceptable standard or better.
2. Except where something is recommended, one can very reasonable work with public transport, mini-busses (Maxi-taxis) for all properties on Grand Anse Beach or a short walk there-from. Public transport to-from Grand Anse is very good.
3. Except where own transport is recommended all upscale properties have on-hand Taxi Services. For upscale properties on beaches other than Grand Anse, own transport may e a consideration – a rented vehicle.
Telephone#:Area Code___________Email____________________
Name of others accompanying you:__________(Mausican?______)
_____________ (Mausican?______)
A non-refundable deposit of $215.00EC OR $80.00US per person is required to register for the Spice Isle reunion 4/09. This sum will be used to offset the cost of Hospitality, Registration and Welcome Cocktails Souvenirs. (Location TBA)
Registration Fee: USD_____x $80.00=__________
Gala Dinner: US______X$80.00=__________
Please return completed form along with your cheque payable to HALLMARK INVESTMENTS February 15th 2009.
Mail to: Mr. Alphonsus Antoine
P.O. Box 671, Park Drive
Lance Aux Epines
St. George’s
Grenada W.I
Please Note: Information on Accommodation and Activities, Part of Registration Form will follow shortly
Planning Committee
SpiceIsle Reunion 2009.
Table 1: Mausica Teachers’ College SpiceIsle Reunion 09 JULY 21ST – JULY 26TH 2009: Activities Schedule
No Date Activities
1 Tuesday 21st. July Registration/Welcome Cocktails. All participants. US$80.00 Reg. Fee payable latest February 15, 2009. Absolutely Required
The following organized tours are OPTIONAL
2 Wednesday 22nd July Round the Island Tour - Travel up Western Side, Picnic at Bathway Beach St. Patrick Travel down Eastern Side. US $35.00
3 Thursday 23rd July CENTRAL TOUR: Travel Center of Island to Annadale Falls, Grand Etang Lake; Lunch at Belmont Estate. US$45.00
4 Thursday 23rd July Evening of Cultural: US$10.00
Boat ride to Carriacou (Not an organized activity, but can be facilitated) Boat: US$60.00. Note: Central tour & Carriacou mutually exclusive.
5 Friday 24th July City Tour: Travel to St. George’s University, Forts George, Frederick and Matthew on to Journeys End Beach Grand Anse for Picnic. US $45.00
Friday Evening Fish Fry at Guyave: (Not an organized activity but can be facilitated) Appx. US$15.00
6 Saturday 25th July Free Day.
Gala Dinner/Dance in evening: US$80
NOTE: In Table 2, Please use the table below, to specify the optional activities in which you’ll participate.
Mausica Teachers’ College SpiceIsle Reunion 09.
Name: ………………………… Telephone: Line & Cell………………. E-mail address.
I understand that the non-refundable Registration Fee of US$80.00 per person must be paid on or before February 15th, 2009.
Table 2: I will participate in the optional activities marked with an ‘X’ and will transmit the sum of US$....... by ………..for this purpose. Note: In order to ensure effective execution, the Planning Committee is considering a cut-off payment date for optional activities.
No Date Activities Will Participate
1 July 21, 2009 (Registration/Welcome Cocktails. US$80.00 Non-optional Reg. Fee payable on or before February 15, 2009)
2 Wednesday 22nd July Round the Island Tour: US $35.00
3 Thursday 23rd July CENTRAL TOUR: US$45.00
4 Thursday 23rd July Evening of Cultural: US$10.00
Boat ride to Carriacou (Not an organized activity but can be facilitated) Boat: US$60.00
5 Friday 24th July City Tour: US $45.00
Friday Evening Fish Fry at Guyave: (Not an organized activity but can be facilitated) Appx. US$15.00
6 Saturday 25th July Gala Dinner/Dance in evening: US$80
Note: Cheques must be made payable to Hallmark Investments Ltd and sent to:
Mr. Alphonsus Antoine
P. O. Box 671, Park Drive
L’Anse aux Epines
St. George’s, Grenada.
Phone 473-444-1593; 473-405-3316 b(cell). E-mail: - to be sent on or before February 15th 2009.
Alphonsus Antoine

Saturday, June 06, 2009

2009-JUN-06- 1248Hrs
Hi All,
Greetings from New York..I have been a great follower of the reunions but unfortunately, due to unforeseen circumstances, I will not be able to attend this one. I had already registered but something personal has come up and I will be out of the country during the time of the reunioun...Ah grinding too bad!!
I do not know who will be attending but I am sure that New York will be represented. I am keeping abreast of all the events leading up to the big day..Thanks Errol. I am also happy that Canada will be represented in a big way...
All the best.
Bernice Warrick-Tarradath

Friday, June 05, 2009

Re: Spice isle reunion
As no money has yet been given, I think that the Toronto Group should forget about the donation. The Grenada Planning Committee did not indicate that they would not be in the black.
Yvonne Murray
I was listening to this morning's programme of radio 95.5fm and one of the popular presenters said that one of the women in Trinidad that he admired the most and that he would like to with is Anna Maria Mora. Apparently he dosen't know that he has to go to the end of the long line.
'take time to laugh for it is the music of the soul....'
Finbar Ryan

Thursday, June 04, 2009

RE: Spice isle reunion
There was no discussion about other alumni's contributions. Yvonne informed us that the planning committee had no seed money and were doing things out of pocket. It was felt that since no one was averse to the idea of our group making a contribution and the funds were not being used, we would make a donation. Generous? Yes. I forgot to mention that those who are going to Grenada were at the meeting at Yvonne's home - Allum, Joyce, Florence, Brenda, Yvonne. Barbara joined us to give some ideas and Norville joined for the company.
"And this too will pass."
Brenda Alexander-Perez
RE: Spice isle reunion
There was some discussion at our last general meeting regarding a $500.00 donation however, we wanted a breakdown of the various costs to help us understand the need for the donation. As in Conrad's case, I am not objecting, I just don't think that our $500.00 will put them in the black.
A message (explaining the circumstances) should be put on the website and maybe, those attending will be willing to give another $20.00 at the end of the reunion or there may be other suggestions.
Kay Cyrus

RE: Montserrat
Hello Mausicans
Imagine , two years ago we started to plan for a touchdown at Pt Saline Airport... now it's the Maurice Bishop Airport! So much can change in a short space of time. I wonder if we could gather some time during our short week to sing something symbolic at that airport... Lift every voice and sing? Just a thought.
The past week has been wonderful here. On Pentecost Sunday we celebrated Mass in our new Church building which will be officially dedicated on June 18th. THis is the new Parish Church of St Patrick which replaces the one in Plymouth, the now buried capital, lost to the volcano over the past 14 years. To add to our joy we learnt that our Parish Priest, Father George Agger, is to spend another 3 years with us on Montserrat. It is not at all amazing that each priest over the years has brought something unique to respond to the need of the particular time. God is always looking after His people.
Today we await the arrival of son Graham. He will be here for a short while before returning to New Zealand via one or two of the nearby islands... he has been gaining expertise in Geothermal skills over the past 16 months. We feel truly blessed.
I can't believe it is now time to say...SEE YOU NEXT MONTH IN GRENADA!!. love and blessings....Pat
My camera got broken some time ago. Graham brings a replacement today so I will let you see what the Church looks like now in my future blog. Pat
Pat Ryan
RE: Spice isle reunion
I don't quite understand this. Were we approached as a group to make a contribution or is it a loan or are we just being generous or is it a levy on each alumni group? Our banker didn't seem to be aware of it....I would really like to understand...also how many are representing is in Grenada?
P.S. This is not an objection. I just need to understand.
Conrad Thomas

Wednesday, June 03, 2009

RE: Spice isle reunion
Do you know whether Trinidad and New York are also contributing?
Kay Cyrus
RE: Spice isle reunion
Hi everyone,
Several of us met on Sunday at Yvonne's home. Things are quite expensive in Grenada and a lot has to be imported. The group has no seed money and has been making arrangements out of pocket.
After some discussion, we decided that $500. should be sent to the Grenada committee to help with costs.
"And this too will pass."
Brenda Alexander-Perez

Monday, June 01, 2009

Hello All:
Just wanted you to know that I have been enjoying the communications, even though I could not respond by email due to my injury. I had enlisted my husband in replying to those inquiries previously when it was thought that I had become deceased. Thank you Errol for straightening out the confusion, and thank you Pat for your messages of concern and caring at that time. Pat Gill, it was great seeing a message from my former close friend and Wingate buddy up on the screen!! Hope all is well with you and yours. I now have a beautiful 3 month- old grand son.
Love to all.
Joy Barnes, formerly Marshall.