Re: Reunion 2009 Registration, accommodation & Activities2009-JUN-07-0344Hrs
Dear Winston,
Wonderful - speaking with you yesterday. Here are the required documents. Forgot to ask, but are you plugged into Errol Lashley excellent system.
And Errol, would you kindly add Winston as necessary.
See you in Grenada.
Fraternal Regards.
Alphonsus Antoine
----- Original Message -----
From: winston yallery-arthur
To: Alphonsus Antoine
Sent: Saturday, June 06, 2009 4:01 PM
Hello and best wishes.
As per our conversation today, please send me the list of Reunion events and the cost per event, along with any documents with which I should be familiar.
Thank you and I look forward to seeing you soon.
Winston J. Yallery-Arthur
7306 Georgia Ave., N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20012
Rohanthon Dubisette's
Guest House 473 439 8541
New place visited today 473 407 2092 US55.00 INCL US100.00 INCL Efficiency, cable TV
23-Apr-09 Fans, Screens very clean
Very nice and located
next door to Roydons
No Air Con
Short walk to beach
• Towne & Country (Pandy Beach. 5 minutes drive to Grand Anse Beach) …… 444 4516. (Suitable group of close friends). Can call a taxi use a mini-bus but may be more comfortable with
• South Winds (Grand Anse Beach) 444 4344.
• Wave Crest Holiday Apts (Grand Anse Beach) 444-4116
• Grand View Inn (Grand Anse & Blanco’s Beach) 444-4984
• Lexus Inn……………………………………. 444 4780
Very Short Walk to Grand Anse Beach
Roydon’s ………………………………… 444 4476.
(Best value-for-money of near-to-Grand Anse properties. Gold Standard small property)
Flamboyant Hotel Villas …….. 444-4247 (Modicum of “upscalism”)
Blue Horizon ……………. 473-444-4316. (Somewhat upscale)
On the Beach (Grand Anse Beach). Very good and Regular well-managed properties.
Gems Holiday……………………………… 444 4224
Grenada Grand Beach Resort..……………… 444 4371
Grand Anse Beach Palace ………………… 439-1412
Allamanda Beach Resort……………………. 444 0095
Somewhat more upscale Properties -On Grand Anse Beach.
• Coyaba Beach Resort ……………………… 444 4129
• Spice Island Inn ………………………. 444-4258
Somewhat more upscale Properties -On Other Near-By Beaches.
• Calabash Hotel & Villas (L’Anse aux Epines Beach) 444-4334
• Rex Resort (Pt. Salines Beach. Near Airport) 444-3333.
• Coral Cove Cottages (Small L’Anse aux Epines) A tiny modicum of “Upscalism”. Own transport recommended.
Deyna’sCity Inn……………………………. 435 6830
Tropicana Inn………………………………. 440 1586
1. All recommended properties are close to proposed main centre on activities and are of acceptable standard or better.
2. Except where something is recommended, one can very reasonable work with public transport, mini-busses (Maxi-taxis) for all properties on Grand Anse Beach or a short walk there-from. Public transport to-from Grand Anse is very good.
3. Except where own transport is recommended all upscale properties have on-hand Taxi Services. For upscale properties on beaches other than Grand Anse, own transport may e a consideration – a rented vehicle.
Telephone#:Area Code___________Email____________________
Name of others accompanying you:__________(Mausican?______)
_____________ (Mausican?______)
A non-refundable deposit of $215.00EC OR $80.00US per person is required to register for the Spice Isle reunion 4/09. This sum will be used to offset the cost of Hospitality, Registration and Welcome Cocktails Souvenirs. (Location TBA)
Registration Fee: USD_____x $80.00=__________
Gala Dinner: US______X$80.00=__________
Please return completed form along with your cheque payable to HALLMARK INVESTMENTS February 15th 2009.
Mail to: Mr. Alphonsus Antoine
P.O. Box 671, Park Drive
Lance Aux Epines
St. George’s
Grenada W.I
Please Note: Information on Accommodation and Activities, Part of Registration Form will follow shortly
Planning Committee
SpiceIsle Reunion 2009.
Table 1: Mausica Teachers’ College SpiceIsle Reunion 09 JULY 21ST – JULY 26TH 2009: Activities Schedule
No Date Activities
1 Tuesday 21st. July Registration/Welcome Cocktails. All participants. US$80.00 Reg. Fee payable latest February 15, 2009. Absolutely Required
The following organized tours are OPTIONAL
2 Wednesday 22nd July Round the Island Tour - Travel up Western Side, Picnic at Bathway Beach St. Patrick Travel down Eastern Side. US $35.00
3 Thursday 23rd July CENTRAL TOUR: Travel Center of Island to Annadale Falls, Grand Etang Lake; Lunch at Belmont Estate. US$45.00
4 Thursday 23rd July Evening of Cultural: US$10.00
Boat ride to Carriacou (Not an organized activity, but can be facilitated) Boat: US$60.00. Note: Central tour & Carriacou mutually exclusive.
5 Friday 24th July City Tour: Travel to St. George’s University, Forts George, Frederick and Matthew on to Journeys End Beach Grand Anse for Picnic. US $45.00
Friday Evening Fish Fry at Guyave: (Not an organized activity but can be facilitated) Appx. US$15.00
6 Saturday 25th July Free Day.
Gala Dinner/Dance in evening: US$80
NOTE: In Table 2, Please use the table below, to specify the optional activities in which you’ll participate.
Mausica Teachers’ College SpiceIsle Reunion 09.
Name: ………………………… Telephone: Line & Cell………………. E-mail address.
I understand that the non-refundable Registration Fee of US$80.00 per person must be paid on or before February 15th, 2009.
Table 2: I will participate in the optional activities marked with an ‘X’ and will transmit the sum of US$....... by ………..for this purpose. Note: In order to ensure effective execution, the Planning Committee is considering a cut-off payment date for optional activities.
No Date Activities Will Participate
1 July 21, 2009 (Registration/Welcome Cocktails. US$80.00 Non-optional Reg. Fee payable on or before February 15, 2009)
2 Wednesday 22nd July Round the Island Tour: US $35.00
3 Thursday 23rd July CENTRAL TOUR: US$45.00
4 Thursday 23rd July Evening of Cultural: US$10.00
Boat ride to Carriacou (Not an organized activity but can be facilitated) Boat: US$60.00
5 Friday 24th July City Tour: US $45.00
Friday Evening Fish Fry at Guyave: (Not an organized activity but can be facilitated) Appx. US$15.00
6 Saturday 25th July Gala Dinner/Dance in evening: US$80
Note: Cheques must be made payable to Hallmark Investments Ltd and sent to:
Mr. Alphonsus Antoine
P. O. Box 671, Park Drive
L’Anse aux Epines
St. George’s, Grenada.
Phone 473-444-1593; 473-405-3316 b(cell). E-mail: - to be sent on or before February 15th 2009.
Alphonsus Antoine