Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Re: Mausica Directory update
Many thanks for your e-mail. I’ve done as you’ve suggested – had a look at the lists – and would like to update my data.
Ancyl Ainsworth ASH (it’s correct on the Graduate list 64-66)
47, (Perspective de la) Côte des Basques
64200 Biarritz, FR
Tel: +33 (0)5 5 59 24 71 18
Kindly let me know what contribution I can make to the MTC Alumni, apart from being a guide to those who come to the southwest of France.
I regret the passing away of acquaintances so soon and remember many with deeply felt respect.
May 2009 bring you and your loved ones health, happiness and the realisation of a few dreams.
Ancyl Ainsworth Ash

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