Friday, March 21, 2008

Anna Maria Mora conducted a very successful Parenting workshop on Montserrat in 2003. I had never met her before the reunion of that year but I went away carrying her vibes. By happenstance I found her book PARENTS ARE YOU LISTENING? In Antigua on my way home and knew she could be the person to do this workshop. We asked, she responded and WOW! We wish she could re locate to Montserrat. Finding the right people to carry on the work she is doing in Trinidad is key... it is not a job but a 24/7 vocation. Some of the money from the PM's jet could be well spent here. Best wishes. Pat ( Allum) Ryan.
ps no response yet about Trinidad for the post 2009 Reunion... perhaps in 2010! How do Mausicans feel about it?
Pat Ryan
I am willing to get involved with the programme. I know how you have toiled long and hard in the vineyard.I will be available from September as I am in the process of closing off at BAHSE.
Angela Cato-Ifill

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Life continues to dish out the high and low points. On the low points my condolences to Allister, darling wife and children on the passing of a dear lovable Dad and a stalwart in the field of Education. Condolences also to Thora. Best and her family. More importantly, a note of deep sadness and grief for all those who sorrow at the lost of our youth and others who are gone and going too soon without rhyme or reason, and without accomplishing their purpose.. We need to put our minds and hearts together and produce a workable solution to stop that haemorrhage
On the other hand Congratulations! to Efebo. You have always made your year group 1966-1968 feel very proud. To all the others who are excelling in their Fields Congrats
HAPPY EASTER -- the earliest in over a century. Let us demonstrate in our empowered lives the true significance of the risen Christ of this season.
Dr. Merle Dillon-Baker ... 1966-1968
So what is the news coming out of Grenada re Reunion 2009 ? How is the planning coming along? I have e mailed Alphonsus Antoine on other matters from time to time but have had no reply to date... no bounce back either.
Pat Ryan

Monday, March 17, 2008

Mr. Phillips was a family friend who was instrumental in my getting in to Mausica, after my application went missing. When Mr. Phillips walked across the upper level balcony while we were in an assembly, all the female students would look upward. When we wore sunglasses in his afternoon classes he would say "You can sleep in my class as long as you dream the facts" He was an amazing man, my condolences go out to his family.
Kay Cyrus (Thomas 64-66)
My sincere condolences go out to Thora and Betha. How do we long for the days when there'll be
...No more night, no more pain,
No more tears--never crying again
But praises to the great I AM
We'll live in the light of the risen Lamb.
Herbert Garvin73-73

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Congratulations to Efebo, I have not yet read papers for the day and did not see the news, if it is on the news. It is also very interesting that so many Mausicans are asking for a special school for young people and Mariama Children's Museum and Teen Turf: The Counselling and Activity Center for Children and Adolescents was founded in 1990 as a preventive programme and had served over 2000 young people and families since. It has survived and is still running 17 years after without any permanent funding. Last month after 17 years of trying I finally had a meeting with The Ministry of Social Development to work on a monthly subvention to at least help pay the rent. Much documents to get prepared though. You all know the red tape. I would really like to hand over this programme to some committed committee to keep it running. It is growing and is getting really too much for "me one". There is a small management committee now made up of three friends of mine, a parent has just come on board and a student who is a beneficiary of the programme and is a teacher in a secondary school after graduating from UWI last year. He is doing so well now. I can hand it over to the Mausica Alumni. I have been really consumed by this programme, which is ready now to take off, with the right help, the right staff, which I am prepared to train etc, etc. Remember though, that it is not a school, it is a safe space for young people and children to come in and feel free to be, a non-judgemental, genuine, empathic environment.They learn to love themselves and each other. Academic subjects are done, but passing examinations is not the focus. Learning and growing in faith in self and knowledge are. Academic subjects are done, with their peers as the tutors. Nineteen and seventeen year olds tutor 11- 16 year olds, and I do the personal-social development, and we gradually see grades going up.Our African Ancestors said that "It takes a Village to raise a Child" Mausicans can be that village. What do you all think?
Anna Maria Mora. WHEW!
I saw Efebo last weekend after many years, him being my a second year. He told me that something would be up real soon. So it was Cuba! congrats indeed to a true true Mausican, calypso king of 1968, with "Play mas", and "Mausica".
From "Play mas".
"And the warden mas" "Father Lenon?? come mas" "Mr. Griffith come...Play mas" "Fairhaven playin mas".
And the memorable first lines from "Mausica"
"We have a big probalme here, since 1963
People on the outside they only washing they mouth on we...."
Theodore Lewis

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Hi Euline, Yes, sadly Justice Winston Best was Thora's father. It is really a sad day in Trinidad and Tobago and for many of us. Also, I am sure that many of you know that that Betha and Brenda La Hee's Mother also died and was buried the same time as Mr. Phillip, They were also with us in Tobago.
Anna Maria Mora
Mausicans are beginning to ask about Grenada.

Sunday, March 09, 2008

Re: Condolences
Condolences to Thora, who has lost her father and to Allisford and family who have lost Dad Wilfred.I'll always remember Mr. Phillips, tall, with a slow, ambling gait, a Lecturer of Maths and Science. He strove to make his classes interesting with a high sense of humour. One of his most unforgettable sayings was: You can sleep in the class but dream about the Science.
May his soul rest in peace.
Barbara Mellowes.

Saturday, March 08, 2008

I went to the funeral of Mr Best this morning. Yes, he was the father of Thora Best. A grand funeral it was with the Archbishop officiating and police escort to the cemetery. Our country mourns.
Some of you may have known Lance Heath. He attended the funeral of Mr Phillips and after the funeral while eating in the gathering of friends at the Credit Union office he fell ill, got a stroke, and died this week. May his soul rest in peace.
Felix Edinborough
Mr Best is the father of Thora Best. She was at the reunion in Tobago.
Angela Cato-Ifill (1965-1967)
Re: Another Mausican makes us proud
Mausica News: Lester Efebo Wilkinson was reported in the Express as the next Ambassador To Cuba.
I am bursting with pride. When I tell people that I am trini to de bone, they see a party-girl, but that is not what I am. I am a nurturer of people, and take enormous pride in the achievements of everyone whose life I have touched..
Way to go Mausican.! Let us keep the recognition and significant leadership thing going.
Houw I wish that we could capture that spirit once again,in a special school to save our youth who are daily, the victims of drugs and gunfire!
When The Hon.Orville London spoke at the formal dinner in Tobago, saying that there was something special about us, I wanted to shout out "we believed in unlimited possibilities"but tht would have been inappropriate for a silverhaired older woman at a formal dinner. Nonetheless, I believe in our endless possibilities.
While we mourn the passing of Mr. Wilfred Phillips, who was the principal of Tranquility the year my son Larry spent in Trinidad, in place of eight grade, I think of him, and Harry Joe, Fanny Ropchand and Isiah Boodhoo raising a toast to Lester. I shall be proud to refer to him as His Excellency, Mr.Ambassador. Along with Dr. Robertson at the Consul General Office in New York, that makes two whom I know personally. Again, I am so proud!!
Linda Edwards
I attended Mausica from 1968-70. One of the fond memories of Mr. Phillips is when he asked a student a question in Maths and received a wrong answer. Mr. Phillip's response :
" I bowl you a ball. You aint even check to see whether it is a googlie, an off-break or a chinaman. You just step down the wicket and leggo a voop'.
May he rest in peace.
Lennox Mcleod
Re Euline's query as to whether the murdered Justice of Peace was Thora Best's (Mausican) father, I have heard that he was in fact father of former national sprint champion Thora Best--not the Mausican. This is here-say however.
Theodore Lewis
I was able to pay my final respects to Mr Phillips at the funeral service last Friday. Several Mausicans were in attendance, pioneers and others, and we were treated to a glimpse into the life of a great man who had so many facets to his life. I was amazed to hear how much he had accomplished for himself and especially for others in his 88 years on the planet. It was also mentioned that he was to have written some type of credit union exam last year which would have made him the most qualified in the Caribbean..isn't that amazing . I think we are fortunate to have been tutored by such a man.Jack Warner spoke on behalf of Mausicans.
We all wish Philo a peaceful journey.
Conrad T (Tom)
Conrad Thomas

Thursday, March 06, 2008

yes he is the father of Thora Best.
Dennis Conrad
Yes, Mr. Best was Thora's father. I called and spoke with her. At this tragic time she is holding up as she says "for her mother,' and drawing strength from all the wisdom gained from her father before his untimely passing.
Her friends Carol Brown (72-74) and Heather Pierre (70 - 72) have been unwavering in the friendship.
Launcelot Brown (72-74)
Guess everyone knows by now that Mr. Best is indeed Thora's father. Strange enough I saw him on tv when I was home for Carnival and remarked to my husband that Mr, Best looked so well and I had not seen him in years. He was a stalwart of the PNM, although I have not read of that much in the press. May he rest in peace.
As for Mr. Phillips, I always thought of him as larger than life.
Judy Lum York (1968- 1970) passed away recently, too. I was so shocked when Maria told me. Do you remember Judy with the long flowing hair? During initiation she held Freddy the frog without fuss while I wanted to die. She gave me courage all through initiation. We kept in touch for a long while after Mausica. I used to visit her at her home in Malick.
I came down to Trinidad for Keith Sobion's funeral a couple of weeks ago and I saw Mrs Dolabaille ( cannot remember her first name) ( 1967-69) boarding the same flight out of Miami. I almost did not recognize her until they called out her name. I did not get to speak to her , though.
I am on a retreat for the whole of the coming weekend and will pray for good health and the safety of all my fellow Mausicans and their families. We have been ordered to bring no radios, no books, no magazines, no laptops, no watches, no cell phones even. I do not know how I will survive. Maybe you need to pray for me. I do not know what it is to have a weekend without work from Friday evening to Sunday night.
Love you all,
Hazel Ahye
I read the obituary on the Express newspaper about a month ago which reported the death of the father of Dr. Clyde Legall(69-71). He was buried at Tunapuna. I know of Wilfred Phillip from Teachers' Credit Union but could you tell me of his connection to Mausica?
Mr. Best, a Justice of the Peace was lured away from his home and murdered days before giving evidence at a serious trial. Does anyone know if he is the father of Thora Best (Mausican) I don't know what year but I met her in Tobago.
Euline Fox-Peters (70-72)