Monday, February 25, 2008

RE: Grenada reunion;:
Dear to my heart is the idea that the group that assembles there, does something to benefit the Grenada community, in the area of education, like what Anna Maria and others did in Tobago. I have a workshop- interactive, participatory, called Journeys of Migration, that I have done to US groups explaining who we are as Trinis, and of course as Grenadians. I would gladly do it for a group of teachers. It could be used to inspire a love of history, literature and culture. Would come in a day earlier to do this during a weekday.During my time as a trainig officer for CFPA, I loved doing workshops to which an adult brought a kid. It gives a very different perspective.
Also, I throw out the suggestion of "books for Grenada". We could all bring a book or two to donate to a teachers' library at the public library, or to the Teachers' Association of Grenada, or to the Min. of Education's professional library that is accessible to teachers. We could then publicly present the books at the official opening function.
I am always stunned when I go back home, and see the high price of reading based on the cost of books. Our going theere should make a difference, professionally.
* * * * *
My nephew just said "time to start to wuk". He came all the way from TnT to paint my house while on vacation. I must heed him. He helps move big pieces of furniture.
Linda Edwards Romain.

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