Wednesday, July 04, 2007

The errors occur and when we try to mend them new ones pop up... the contact is more important. Sometimes when i look up I find that I've tapped the CAPS LOCK instead of the SHIFT... I don't always re write so WRITE ON!
Does Bertie still play the piano... it was so good at Mausica to hum a tune and have Bertie accompany you playing by ear. I remember the concert we put on when Mr Girard was leaving and Barbara Mendez and I sang the duet I Hear Music.
About the Bastiens... I don't know if either of them attended Mausica but they are Trinidadians who have done something positive which everyone must support... I hope many of the younger Mausicans turn up because I want to meet them all. The Fyzabad people have dried up on me so we'll have to play it by ear in Tobago. See you soon God willing!
Pat Ryan

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