Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Re: On de road to Tobago
I attended the celebration of Dudley's life and it was a great do. There were a lot of references to Mausica in the video and it was heartwarming to see so many Mausicans present (most were the "young" Mausicans). Buzzie represented us well with her documentation of Dudley's life as a Mausican. It was heart warming to see several Pioneers - Tom, Terry, Bertie, Rick, Es, Jakie. Of course the Pioneer "boys" did their usual thing - huddle together and whisper. Being the only Pioneer female present, I was left to wonder "what dem boys does be talking bout so serious serious? Ah go eaves drop de nex time!" Mary Heywood, Elmo Phillips and Rodney Foster asked me to extend greetings to our group. Dudley and Myrtle's son - Dr. Asanti Dickson, gave the most powerful tribute that I have ever heard. Compliments to his parents and to all who had a hand in raising such a fine young man. Mausica alumni New York has set up a scholarship in Dudley's name and individual contributions are being accepted. Please contact Buzzie for more info.
On another note - Please read the message below and "if yuh ain hidin out in Tobago, leh mih know way yuh stayin nah!" I will compile a list in case transportation has to be arranged. In any case it is a good idea, if not a safety factor, to know where each person is - not the people who are there incognito though. Brenda
Brenda Perez

wrote:Subject: Fwd: Mausica Reunion
Forwarded message ----------
From: Brenda Perez
Date: Mar 31, 2007 8:18 PM
Subject: Re: Mausica Reunion
To: Anna Maria Mora
On 3/31/07, Anna Maria Mora wrote:
Just touching base with you all in groups to let you all know that everything is AOK with your registrations etc. Some of you indicated that you will not be finding your own accommodation when we asked. Your "no" means that you will have to choose from the list of guest houses on our website and make your own arrangements. Please ensure that you do that. If you need help do not hesitate to get in touch with me. You can also get in touch with Conrad Thomas at 1-613-726-1235 or Brenda Alexander-Perez at 1-416-289-3366. They have a suggestion "Golden Thistle." We just need to know where people are located so that we can have easy access to you all for pick-up for tours. Those of you who wish to take cars from Trinidad (on d boat wid u) will have to make those arrangements yourself. To take a car along it will b e Approx. $165.00TT, you also need proof of ownership and other documents, this is why it will not be feasible for the committee to do it for you. We can provide you with the time of departure as soon as we are about to purchase the group tickets and you can do your own booking. Brenda, touch base with me and let me know the numbers and names at "Golden Thistle."

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