Thursday, April 26, 2007

Re: Dudley
On behalf of the Mausica Teachers' Alumni & Friends , New York Chapter, I wish to thank all the fellow-Mausicans and friends who sent in their tributes to our President and colleague, Michael Angelo Dudley Dickson. I am pleased to inform that Dudley had a send-off worthy of a king! How lovely and touching and how-so Michael! It was with dignity, style and grace, mixed with stirring emotions that filled the ambience of that celebration of his life. His son, Asante, ;rendered a one-of-a-kind reflexion of his father. Superb.
I was priviledged to speak on behalf of the New York Chapter. I did read out portions of the tributes sent to our website and topped it off with Mr Williams' tribute to Dudley

Mausica was highly represented by more than thirty colleagues. We were given the "important" seating of the first pews across from the immediate family. Songs of the Mausica Choir filled the air--Lead Kindly Light, Boca Chimes, The Hallelujah Chorus and Dudley departed the Church to the tune of Buddy Lindo.

Those who came from Canada, from New Mexico, from Maryland, from Washington, from South Carolina, from Georgia, from Florida to pay your respect and show your solidarity, we say thank you for being here for one who was a " Mausican to de bone."

May he rest in Peace. He will be sorely missed.

P.S. We have proposed a "Dudley Memorial Scholarship Fund" and contributions could be sent to our Treasurer, Mary Modeste.

Bernice "Buzzie..

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Re: Dudley Dickson
Today, 28th March, 2007, is exactly three months since the passing of my wife of 45 years. Today, 28th March, 2007 is the day that I am writing this memorial to celebrate the life of my dear friend of 44 years, Dudley Michael “Tola” Dickson. I have been fortunate to have been shown the nuances of the word love, from these two magnificent personalities, to whom I shall be eternally thankful for a condition which has had a positive impact on my living.

I first met Dudley on Monday 13th September, 1963 “on campus” at Mausica Teachers’ College. A busy-body, true man-for-all- seasons. Energetic, organizational, empathetic and self-less, focused on results through ole talk and that infectious laugh to make the task doable. Dudley assisted in forging the network which laid the foundation for the successful installation of the pioneers. He operationalised the students into work groups in the day – kitchen and residential halls – and at nights, in true Buddy Lindo style, with cuatro in hand he would lead the primitive Mausica choir in singing and other performing arts. Undoubtedly, this role conditioned Dudley for his outstanding contribution to the Mausica Choral Society. Off campus, at sporting, cultural, debating and other socially enhancing events, Dudley was an effusive cheer-leader which endeared him to the Academic, Administrative and Hospitality staffs and his student colleagues. Dudley became my “on campus” barber, and I supplied him his week-end fare of home prepared goodies from my wife’s kitchen.

Upon graduating from Stout State, Dudley resided in the Bronx, N.Y. and accommodated me there on my first visit to N.Y. I spent five days at Dudley’s on my outward journey back to T&T after a study period in DC and Penn State. We had a hearty laugh when I thanked him for giving me the experience of living in a steam laundry through his house heating system. To Dudley, this was no big thing, he was simply overwhelmed to accommodate his friend. Dudley distilled his friendship by calling me from his bed of affliction to offer words for healing at my wife’s demise, two days before her internment. His voice discernably weakened by the ravages of pain and suffering, but undiminished in its capacity for caring and sincere fellowship.

A member of the queue in the departure lounge has gone through the glass door, leaving the rest of us in the waving gallery peering through the glass. At a time, quietly saying our goodbyes. At another, looking at the shrinking queue-line and pondering, who’s next? Is it I --- to fly?

Good-bye my friend, it is worth to have earned your friendship. Free at last, God has called you to another place for rest and peace.

To Myrtle and Asante, be assured that Dudley lived a rich and exemplary life. Consider that he is free at last. Be strong and let the process of healing proceed.

Love you lots.

Eugene “Killer” St.Hilaire

Friday, April 06, 2007

Re: Dudley Dickson
Delivered by Dr.Cliff Bertrand at Dudley's viewing:
It is strange
It is strange that the lord has called our brother Dudley home.
It is not strange that the lord has ended all Dudley's suffering.
It is strange that the lord has chosen this season of the year, the spring to start a new life for Dudley.
It is not strange that this is the season of the Resurrection commemoration of our lord and savior Jesus Christ.
The end of his earthly life as man.
Therefore, please bear with me while I expound on the occasion of the resurrection and its significance to our brother Dudley.
It is something wonderful to think about the holy season of Easter, because Christ's resurrection in not just a fact.
It is an irrevocable, unchangeable,and eternal truth.
Dudley has risen, he has been taken away by the lord's angels to eternal rest.
Today, I want you to listen to some truths from God's word as we think of the resurrection. The promise of the resurrection .
The fact that Jesus came alive again from the dead also guarantees Dudley resurrection.
In John 6:40 ,Jesus said to those who believe in him, I myself will raise him upon the last day
He repeated that promise at least three times in verses 39 54 of this chapter in John,
Then in the upper room Jesus told his disciples, Because I live, you will also (John 14:19)
Jesus wanted us to have the absolute assurance of life after death. Even though we may die and our bodies are put in the ground, because of Jesus we will live again.
The promise of the resurrection is comfort in the presence of death, when you have the sad task of placing your love one in casket before the alter.
1 Corinthians 15:42 44, It is sown a perishable body; it is raised an imperishable body,
it is sown in dishonor, it is raised in glory,
it is sown in weakness, it is raised in power,
it is sown a natural body, it is raised a spiritual body
After years of preparation the lord has called Dudley, will give him a new body,
will reward him for his faithfulness and placed him beside the father in glory.
To Myrtle, Assante and families on both sides may the warmth of tender memories created by Dudley ,and the love of those around you, bring you comfort and peace?
Please accept my sympathy on behalf of my family and the staff and your absent colleagues of Mausica Teachers College
Cliff Bertrand

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Re: I found a Mausican
Dear Errol,
After so many years it was my pleasure while walking along the Brian Lara Promenade yesterday afternoon to encounter Lennox Austin who was our first year and who, as I recall, was in Sunset Villa. He said that he had previously been in touch with Progues before the first re-union but had since lost touch and was out of the loop. Here is the opportunity therefore to get him back into the loop and I am copying this to him for that expressed purpose.
On another note...I've not yet contributed to the "Memories" because there are so very many for me. Rest assured, however, that I shan't disappoint.

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Re: On de road to Tobago
I attended the celebration of Dudley's life and it was a great do. There were a lot of references to Mausica in the video and it was heartwarming to see so many Mausicans present (most were the "young" Mausicans). Buzzie represented us well with her documentation of Dudley's life as a Mausican. It was heart warming to see several Pioneers - Tom, Terry, Bertie, Rick, Es, Jakie. Of course the Pioneer "boys" did their usual thing - huddle together and whisper. Being the only Pioneer female present, I was left to wonder "what dem boys does be talking bout so serious serious? Ah go eaves drop de nex time!" Mary Heywood, Elmo Phillips and Rodney Foster asked me to extend greetings to our group. Dudley and Myrtle's son - Dr. Asanti Dickson, gave the most powerful tribute that I have ever heard. Compliments to his parents and to all who had a hand in raising such a fine young man. Mausica alumni New York has set up a scholarship in Dudley's name and individual contributions are being accepted. Please contact Buzzie for more info.
On another note - Please read the message below and "if yuh ain hidin out in Tobago, leh mih know way yuh stayin nah!" I will compile a list in case transportation has to be arranged. In any case it is a good idea, if not a safety factor, to know where each person is - not the people who are there incognito though. Brenda
Brenda Perez

wrote:Subject: Fwd: Mausica Reunion
Forwarded message ----------
From: Brenda Perez
Date: Mar 31, 2007 8:18 PM
Subject: Re: Mausica Reunion
To: Anna Maria Mora
On 3/31/07, Anna Maria Mora wrote:
Just touching base with you all in groups to let you all know that everything is AOK with your registrations etc. Some of you indicated that you will not be finding your own accommodation when we asked. Your "no" means that you will have to choose from the list of guest houses on our website and make your own arrangements. Please ensure that you do that. If you need help do not hesitate to get in touch with me. You can also get in touch with Conrad Thomas at 1-613-726-1235 or Brenda Alexander-Perez at 1-416-289-3366. They have a suggestion "Golden Thistle." We just need to know where people are located so that we can have easy access to you all for pick-up for tours. Those of you who wish to take cars from Trinidad (on d boat wid u) will have to make those arrangements yourself. To take a car along it will b e Approx. $165.00TT, you also need proof of ownership and other documents, this is why it will not be feasible for the committee to do it for you. We can provide you with the time of departure as soon as we are about to purchase the group tickets and you can do your own booking. Brenda, touch base with me and let me know the numbers and names at "Golden Thistle."
Sorry to hear of Dudley Dickson's death. Although I did not know him personally, I know Myrtle { fellow Villa Novan-upper floor;'66-'68}.Please forward my deepest condolences to Myrtle and her son. I continue to remember them in my prayers.
God bless!
Carol Burnette-Cook {'66-'68}

Sunday, April 01, 2007

Please post my apology for listing Dum Dum among the members of the Mausica Heavenly Choir.
Thank you Korenza for correcting my error. Kindly convey my sincerest apologies to Dum Dum for hastening his departure.
May I have his number?
Looking forward to seeing you both in Tobago for the reunion.
Errrol, please instruct me on posting material on the blog.
Thank you.
Rodney Foster