Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Re: FW: Mausica Reunion 2007 Update
Thanks for the memories.... you have aptly described our dear lecturers... Ms. Wood...Fanny Roopchand... and Mr. Dukhan. I remember them ever so well... At Home Ec. class Ms. Wood showed us how to bake a pie..... it 'came out' burnt and we were not impressed. She did it over and then explained that the burnt one was to show us how NOT to do it.. and of course the other was done in her image of perfection.... we howled with laughter Fanny Roopchand....that JF Kenny's widow, Jackie Kennedy, could marry the aging Aristolte was (in her words), a matter for tears... Mr. Dookhan... gentle indeed.. as he had us think deeply on concepts in Psychology such as 'projection', 'sublimation' and the like. Went to a few fetes this Carnival and in the main, there was so much litter that strewn the surrounding afterwards. I found myself thinking of the Grell Cup Competition for the Hostels; and the Jo cautioning that after each MTC fete, his Hall must be spic and span for Assembly the next morning.... with no evidence of the event the night before....! It was indeed a gentler time.... and Hazel you are right... MTC shaped us all.... for the better thankfully...

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