Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Re: FW: Mausica Reunion 2007 Update
I have just been perusing the website. What a wonderful job you are doing! Thanks for the memories. Mausica was a defining period in all of our lives. It realy moulded us so we could later "mould a nation through service."
I observed, though, that in your list of deceased faculty you omitted the names of: Beryl Wood: "I am only one Wood." You dare not call her Miss Woods; Hamlyn Dukhan, so gentle he was and yet, so profound; and Constance "Fanny "Roopchand, who introduced herself to her students, thus: "My name is Fanny Roopchand and I am divorced." She was so real a person, so down -to -earth. Her voice and gait defined the person. I used to drop in on her at her family home on the Eastern Main Road when I was in my first year at UWI. I was at all their funerals and wept for the end of an era and the loved we shared. Oh yes, and Matron I can still see her smile.


Kyle Sampath-Ring said...

hi, did you know fanny and her siblings well? she was my aunt. could u contact me at shea_kyle(at)yahoo.co.uk

Kyle Sampath-Ring said...

i'm so sorry i deleted your e-mail be accident!!! could u e-mail again?