Monday, October 25, 2021

RE: Thanks to all those who assisted and those who participated in Mausica 1971 -'73 Reunion.


Many thanks to all Mausicans and guests who participated in our 1971 – ’73 Entry into Mausica Teachers College 50th Anniversary Celebrations. A special “Thank You” to our  Mathematics lecturer Mrs. Patricia Briggs, to our first year’s, facilitator brother Howard Spencer, and sister radio announcer/artiste with the golden voice Jemma Jordan, and our year group sister Janice James Quamina for her exclusive, informative and interesting video, together with artistes Xavier Strings and Johann Chuckaree  for their entertaining videos. We are also very grateful to our united team/ Committee members :

3 Pats:- Aqui Abraham, Kalloo Chuckaree, and Phelps-Scott

2 Glorias:-  Griffith Vitales, and Bernard Webb

3 J s:- Janice James-Quamina, Jemma Jordan and Jennifer Jackson David

And Everette Browne, Denzil Walker and Howard Spencer.

We received lots of compliments and it was a pleasure getting in touch with brothers and sisters especially those that we had not seen or heard in many years. Thanks to all. I cannot mention every name of those present or assisted behind the scenes but special mention and sincere thanks to Howard’s family- his wife our sister Myrtle and their son and those who sent us pictures and videos, cds and supportive prayers and well wishes.

We cherish and savour these memories, for they will not happen again with the same/ exact group of people in the same place here on earth.  We would have liked to have all our brothers and sisters with us, but this was not humanly possible. We identified all of the one hundred and eleven students who entered Mausica Teachers College in Trinidad and Tobago In 1971. However we hope to seek and find those who are still alive. For we are our brother’s keeper. R.I.P to all those who have passed on.

Kudos to all Mausicans on Facebook, Messenger, What’s App, no device but everywhere.  Praise and thank God for all and for God’s favour in leading us to a successful reunion for the common good. Amen.

Yours Sincerely,

Patricia Phelps-Scott on behalf of the team.

Patricia Phelps-Scott 73

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