Friday, October 29, 2021



I was thinking the other day about the art lecturers I encountered at Mausica. Of course Boodoo, but also Thomasos, whom I never quite understood.Two of Thomasos' assignments caused a stir among us on the campus, one was "Stop Thief". The other, was "A mendicant".

"Stop thief" made the rounds outside of class as a kind of Mausica special.

But when Thomasos gave us the assignment of drawing a "mendicant", many of us, including me, did not know, or had never heard about, a mendicant. I had never heard the word, and in Marabella where I grew up I dont think we had mendicants. So many of us did not know what to draw.

Mendicant was a first year assignment, but second years in Mayfair and Haven got on to it, and soon it got into the hostel lexicon, with phonetic adjustments.  Mendicant became a label you could affix to a man. You could say to a man, "you is a mendicant or what?"  Men like Beck, Bullock, Sto, Geezmo, Braf, revelled in this.

I had Thomasos as supervisor for student practice. On the Friday of student teaching, as all may remember, we were back at lunch, and the supervisors were supposed to spend the afternoon  going over the week's experiences with their charges. This of course is where people like Cuffie excelled. But Thomasos was candid about this, and told our group he did not know what he was supposed to do. He walked down the corridor and saw Cuffie and others in front of their groups, in animated posture.

When he came to our group he said, memorably, "all these lecturers, talking, talking, teaching teaching, what are they talking about?"

I remember him vividly. There was an honesty about this that was striking. Maybe specialist lecturers like him should not have been given that role.....maybe it should have been left to those more steeped in teaching methods and classroom management. People like the Cuff, Hordatt, and one or two others.


Theodore Lewis 69



I am a bit of an expert on prostate cancer...having had a prostatectomy back in 2002 when I was 55. There is a better option now especially the DaVinci robotics surgery, which is nerve sparing.

Severed nerves is the risk in this surgery.  But without the surgery the options are bleak. Although I know someone from Marabella who, like the late Lord Shorty, tried bush tea. He too is now "late".

Prostate cancer leaves you with no bargain really, and some men risk death by avoiding surgery which they believe would emasculate them.

Selwyn Cudjoe had a prostatectomy and wrote a hilarious account of its effects on him in one of his columns. His main point was that he is alive, though a somewhat softer man.

This is the disease that took the lives of Lloyd Best, Carol Keller, and Keith Smith. Large men.

It leaves you between a rock and a hard place. Or something like that.

The local problem is that there is a shortage of urologists. Sawh is the big guy, but Carol complained bitterly about him.

I have heard from Dr. Strisiver my General doctor at St Augustine private hospital that they have the da Vinci option at the hospital.

Brachy therapy is another option, radiation seeds planted....but that depends on how close is the cancer to the skin of the prostate.


Theodore Lewis 69



Keep up the good work Errol.

Scratchy's 330 +330=660 brought back memories to when there were moves to raise the salaries to $380.

Lord Lester (Osuna) sang a calypso with  back-up singers Everard Bobb, Ricardo Hospedales and myself. (apply double entendre profusely to chorus below)

Bring back the three thirty

We doh want no more three eighty

We want back the three thirty

Leh we run by Mrs Cuffie

Valerie telling Happy

Boy doh bother with she

With your three thirty and my three thirty

Six thirty for you and me.

On another note.

Scratchy, your article in yesterday's Express was an interesting and thought provoking one. A walk back in time to the present. I hope this signals a much awaited return to that newspaper.



Finbar Ryan 72

Monday, October 25, 2021

RE: Thanks to all those who assisted and those who participated in Mausica 1971 -'73 Reunion.


Many thanks to all Mausicans and guests who participated in our 1971 – ’73 Entry into Mausica Teachers College 50th Anniversary Celebrations. A special “Thank You” to our  Mathematics lecturer Mrs. Patricia Briggs, to our first year’s, facilitator brother Howard Spencer, and sister radio announcer/artiste with the golden voice Jemma Jordan, and our year group sister Janice James Quamina for her exclusive, informative and interesting video, together with artistes Xavier Strings and Johann Chuckaree  for their entertaining videos. We are also very grateful to our united team/ Committee members :

3 Pats:- Aqui Abraham, Kalloo Chuckaree, and Phelps-Scott

2 Glorias:-  Griffith Vitales, and Bernard Webb

3 J s:- Janice James-Quamina, Jemma Jordan and Jennifer Jackson David

And Everette Browne, Denzil Walker and Howard Spencer.

We received lots of compliments and it was a pleasure getting in touch with brothers and sisters especially those that we had not seen or heard in many years. Thanks to all. I cannot mention every name of those present or assisted behind the scenes but special mention and sincere thanks to Howard’s family- his wife our sister Myrtle and their son and those who sent us pictures and videos, cds and supportive prayers and well wishes.

We cherish and savour these memories, for they will not happen again with the same/ exact group of people in the same place here on earth.  We would have liked to have all our brothers and sisters with us, but this was not humanly possible. We identified all of the one hundred and eleven students who entered Mausica Teachers College in Trinidad and Tobago In 1971. However we hope to seek and find those who are still alive. For we are our brother’s keeper. R.I.P to all those who have passed on.

Kudos to all Mausicans on Facebook, Messenger, What’s App, no device but everywhere.  Praise and thank God for all and for God’s favour in leading us to a successful reunion for the common good. Amen.

Yours Sincerely,

Patricia Phelps-Scott on behalf of the team.

Patricia Phelps-Scott 73