Monday, May 31, 2021



Hi All,

This morning, with great pleasure, I WAS LISTENING to a MTC CD which Selwyn Jacob had put together in 2005. It was so very nostalgic listening to those songs. It began with the announcer ( did not get his name) talking about the Queen's Hall concert being brought to us by Chase Manhatten Bank ( which is no longer in T&T) and Radio Trinidad. 

Selwyn, very interestingly, has two concerts on the CD to add to my listening pleasure. There was Joan Kydd with "Will You Remember Me" beginning the performances. Following her with her sultry alto, was Eulalie Henry singing her well appreciated song " Didn't It Rain". Ancil Ash played the piano . Daphne Cuffie  also sang. ETC. I can't forget Fitzie introducing everyone.

The highlight of the morning was hearing the men and the FOLK SONGS. The men sang "Sweet Jane" and another.  I recognized Elmo and Langdon's voices which were so very reminiscent of those youthful years. It was joyful singing along. There were the Indian song " Jha Jha Jha"  and the folk song "Ratta" which I had not thought of in years. It was indeed a great nostalgic journey this morning.

But  sadly, the record sticks. From  number 22 to 27 . Don't know how with modern technology this problem can be resolved. I was able to limp to 26. 27 could not begin.  I am encouraging you with the CDs,  to listen to those songs. They are sure to lighten your spirits in this COVID-19 time. We are in a terrible place in T&T and must make every effort to keep ourselves safe.

Be safe, Enjoy,

Barbara Mellowes 66

Tuesday, May 18, 2021



It was with great pride and joy that I experienced Jacob's work at the National Film Board of Canada on Saturday 15th May. My first meeting with Jacob was during the first weekend at Mausica when we all were looking to while away the time. My roommate Brenda Wilson was from Point Fortin; she knew Jacob. Together we took a walk up Mausica Road. It's what one did when there was not much else to do. I learned a little then that Jacob loved film and wanted to start a photography club. Jacob did start the photography club.

Clearly, it was Jacob's passion, his heart and his soul and he dug into it, stuck with it, and used that passion to forge a way through the mires of the Canadian experience. He met obstacles along the way and emerged as a beacon for many to follow. In glowing terms, participants shared their short films and stories of what they learned from "our Mausica boy". Every last one benefitted from Jacob's efforts, his films, his stories and his successes. Every last one wanted Jacob to know how much he helped them on their journey.

Our life's journey takes us on paths where we meet people for a season, a reason, a lesson to be learned, or for a lifetime of grace. Jacob's presence is all that! Many of the pictures of Mausicans make me go "oh goodness, whatever happened to so and so?" Sometimes we forget who attended during our time. Not so with Jacob. He certainly was not forgotten by a long shot.

Congratulations again Jacob from Ben. Your work exemplifies your character, your thirst for good, and your tenacity of purpose. I am so very proud of you!.

Bernice Stephens 65

Monday, May 17, 2021



The Douglas family and I have a special relationship. Mr. Douglas taught me at Belmont Intermediate. When I started teaching at Western Boys RC, Mrs. Douglas, his wife, was a teacher there, and some time later, I also taught their son. We were very fortunate to have lecturers like we had in Mausica. The unmistakable impression I had was that They were concerned primarily about the students, their welfare, and ultimately, what was best for T&T.THANKS TO THEM ALL.Garth Nicholas '69 to '71

On Friday, May 14, 2021, 02:30:50 PM GMT-4, Yahoo! <> wrote:

Hazel,One regret I have about Mausica, is that I never heard the calypso "Mammas without Papas". If you still remember the words, please send them to me. I heard about it, but that's all. If you don't want to put it in the chat, you can email me at

Garth Nicholas 1969 to 1971



Hazel,One regret I have about Mausica, is that I never heard the calypso "Mammas without Papas". If you still remember the words, please send them to me. I heard about it, but that's all. If you don't want to put it in the chat, you can email me at

Garth Nicholas 1969 to 1971



Such wonderful memories of that beloved place. Mr Douglas had such a dry sense of humour for which some loved him; and to the annoyance of others. We fondly referred to him as Dougie. In his very first class, he gave each of us a brand new lab book. Then he said, " Congratulations, you each have 100 marks. I hope by the end of the year, you still have some."

Joan Fulchan 74



As Hazel wrote about the famous lines of some of our lecturers, I am reminded of a few: Mangatal (whom we called Mangee) - 'Some points are pointless", Osbourne - "All at Mausica is not love and kisses, Harry Joe -with his discipline of natural consequences (Dewey). II hope I didn't misquote.

Felix Edinborough 65




Thank you for your lovely email which took us back to happier times in Trinidad & Tobago at the venerable institution of Mausica Teachers' College when we were young, happy and carefree and where Principal Harry Joe, Mr. Fitz Williams, Mrs. Cuffie, Mr. Mark, and all those wonderful lecturers who gave us generously of their time and talents, and  who significantly shaped our lives and gave us beautiful memories which we treasure up to today.

We have faith that the resilient people of our beloved homeland will survive this trial and that Covid will be defeated sooner more than later.

Vernetta Calvin-Smith 65



tks for this very good piece, hazel

Rudolph Williams 70

Friday, May 14, 2021



My dear Fellow Mausicans,

I do hope all of you are safe and healthy and, so, too, your loved ones. What is happening now is so unprecedented in our lifetime. It is so surreal that we may feel the need to pinch ourselves to believe this is really happening in our hitherto comfortable world. Swet Sweet Trinidad has been plunged into sorrow and fear because of this CoronaVirus. We really have been jolted out of our comfort zones and forced into a realization of what is most important in life. 

Let us continue to cherish one another and be grateful to those who have shaped our lives. Today, my husband brought home this week's Cathoic News and on the memorial page I saw a picture of Raphael Douglass accompanied by some words written by his widow. He was such a lovely person. Nearly all of our lecturers have gone to the Teachers' College in heaven. We were truly fortunate to have been taught by the best lecturers and we all have our favourite memories of them. Their faces are all very vivid in my imagination and I can still recall some of their famous lines. Mr Dukhan, Mr. Lougheide, Mr Maundy, Mr Baptiste, Mrs. Mohan in her sari, Ms. Joseph, always dressed to the nines, and well made up, Miss Wood ( who would say, if you called her Miss Woods. "I am only one Wood". Ms Roopchand who shared, " Everybody calls me Fanny. I am divorced." And Mrs. Cuffy, "Better late than never, eh, Hazel." I will never forget Mr. Brown and his wife, at whose home I could be sure to get a meal when I was too late for dinner in the dining hall. It was the first time I had eaten pumpkin pie, which I still make up to today. I recall his telling me he was so disappointed in me when I played a heated round bottom flask in our hostel Carnival band. I had put a pillow to improve on nature and I wined down the place. He could not believe it was the same young lady, whom he trusted to baby-sit his children, Eric and Debbie. Oh Mausica! Those were the days. I will say nothing about the calypso I sang, Mamas Without Papas, that nearly got me a cut tail.Thank God I was rescued by Ken Parmasad and Noel T. that night. 

Wash your hands, Wear a mask and wait at least six feet apart, when in public . Stay home, if you can. Love you all. God Bless

Hazel Thompson-Ahye 70