Thursday, July 30, 2020

RE: Mausica Legacy

Errol, please publish on the blog. It is likely that replies, if any, may come through you. Replies may be sent directly to Winston Yallery-Arthur, Ben stephens or Arthur Small.
Thank you.
Greetings to ALL Mausicans
Attached is a picture of the first Mausica Cricket team.For some time a few of us have been toying with the idea of putting together stories, pictures, experiences etc which would tell the history of Mausica from inception to its final closure, thereby becoming the legacy of a training college which probably was like no other in the country.
Starting with this picture, if you can identify the players, add participants of 63-65 year group this could  be the beginning of the production of the proposed legacy.
All year groupings are invited to participate.
Thank you for your anticipated participation.
Arthur Small, Winston Yallery-Arthur
Arthur Small 65

Monday, July 27, 2020


Hi everyone,
Been a long time since i last wrote on the blog but felt compelled to ease Irmin’s concern for some of her fellow mausicans. I live next door to Leroy David so i know that he is alive and well. Will convey your sentiments to him.
Saw PG getting some free advertising with the reopening of Diego Martin Community Centre. Rodney thanks for your contributions which are always interesting.
Remember to stay safe and save lives
Clare Creese-Woodley 70-72

Friday, July 24, 2020

RE: "Two Little Magic Words"

Thanks and Please are the two little magic that many of us use quite often.
“in all circumstances, give thanks.” Is one of my favorite quotes from the Bible. Therefore, I would like to extend my warmest thanks to all those who contributed to the blog last week: Felix, Inez, Finbar, Veronica, Brenda , Bernice and Brother Efebo..
Keep contributing and giving thanks to our Beloved Mausica. MTC was a blessing.
As usual,
Rodney Foster 66-68

Friday, July 17, 2020


Bernice, good to hear of the great times my predecessors had. But was it Hurricane Alma or Flora?  Be careful, don’t blame the wrong woman. Alma, a very peaceful woman, may take offence. We, TOBAGONIANS know that Flora was in 1963 but Alma came years later.
Jasper Joefield 74

Thursday, July 16, 2020


Hello Mausicans, nice connecting with you again. Interesting that we seem unable to get former residents from each of the 6 hostels to share their stories. Maybe there are not many of us reading the blog! I do have 4 volunteers, 3 from Kirkendale and 1 from Sunset Villa and Fairhaven. Rodney has consented to collect stories on behalf of both Sunset Villa and Fair Haven. Merle Dillon-Baker volunteered to collect for 66-68; Pearl Mulrain will collect for 67-69 and I,Bernice Stephens will collect stories for 63-65. We have some continuity there.
Rodney, sorry I am not collecting all the blogs from Jacob; no need to clutter my inbox. From my perspective it is more efficient to collect the stories from individuals according to the years identified. There are some folks whose whereabouts we do not know. For example it would be great to hear from my roommate Brenda Wilson, Beryl Gibbs, Huldah Stewart, Patsy Allum, Mennen Walker, Barbara Mendez, Gabby Als, Desmond Waite, Felix Edinborough, Allan Clovis, Alfred Waithe, Ferrida Chapman (can't remember her Mausica last name) Jackie Sosa etc.  If one of us knows how to contact any of these hostel residents ask if they have stories to tell. Maybe they may be willing to send their stories via another friend if they do not belong to the blog.
So let's make it real! Those who remember the days when
1. We spent many days without books and supplies, no graded sports grounds, no cricket field, no athletic field
2. Patsy Allum composed a song about it to the melody of "Hello Mama"
3. We played netball against GTC and CTC; I became the bona fide referee because it seemed I knew the rules well enough to do that; I learned from my father who sponsored netball in South Trinidad
4. We practiced endlessly for a Christmas concert: Fitzy repeated Fall, Fall, Fall so many times so that he could get the male voices to blend perfectly. Trevor Davis (may he rest in peace) made a winning calypso that year.
5. Joan Kidd won the first Carnival Queen contest dressed as a Martiniquan woman; I won the nest year dressed as Calypso Rose
6. Harry Joe arranged a visit to Queen's Park Oval to see cricket. I forgot who were the important cricketers he wanted us to see and gave some of us a boof because a large group of us fell asleep
7. We held ping pong tournaments in the assembly hall and enjoyed the excellent games played by Winston Yallery Arthur, Arthur Small, Monty Chapman, Vernetta Brewster, myself and others.
8. Hurricane Alma came and the Tobago students had to go home suddenly. We were so concerned. All returned but some lost family members.
8. Harry Joe started High Tea as a custom. We dressed up for those occasions and practiced "table manners".
These are just some of the ways in which Mausicans can contribute; please elaborate on any of the events or send it your own memories. Let's get busy!
Bernice Stephens 65