I am speaking of the day the music died.
With the death of Fitzy I mulled over in my mind whether it would be appropriate at the funeral, maybe at grave-sdie for me to raise raise "Death Oh"
But on the day I could not see how that would work, and did not have the courage to start it. I noticed that the funeral service did not include our standards.
Eulalee was in sacred voice, celestial as ever.
But outside of the church as they interred the great man, our Sister Hazel Ahyee had the same idea as I, and ever braver then me, tried to start. .
In voice, Death Oh? No Takers. Come on Scratchy!
Death Oh, Death Oh me Lord? No Takers.Felix, Donatd (now deceased) Lester, Fabian Alvarez, Korenza, Barbara, Carol-Ann Efebo, Auldyth, Felix...others.
There were enough of us there to make it happen. But speaking for myself, I just could not find voice. I could not sing.
Neither could the other Mausicans there, all of us, stalwart Alumni Choir people.
We just could not sing.
What glorious irony.
I know why we could not sing.
We Mausicans are more than song and dance people.
Fitz James Williams was a giant. He would have been in his 40s when Mausica began, and how did he ever acquire the art that it took, for he and the Cuff, aided by the Joe, to create a cultural enclave on those 64 frog-infested acres?
I was glad that I had a chat with him in the last year of his life, thanks to Gwendoline who as always made it clear it would be a good idea to check him out.
Speaking for myself, he influenced me. He was a force.
Theodore Lewis 69