Monday, July 18, 2016

RE: Cassava and Wine!

My Fellow Mausicans,
Last Wednesday evening, July 13th, Marj and I shared some wine with our  celebrated Mausican, Havenite Brother, Efebo Wilkinson.
Efebo and Lucille were visiting their daughter, Karma,  and her family in Lawrenceville, GA. It was a most enjoyable evening. Efebo and I had red wine and the ladies sipped white.
Efebo informed me that Bitter Cassava received rave reviews and he appreciated the presence and support of the Mausicans who attended the play.
Next time Marj and I visit Sweet, Sweet TNT, we will be wearing our treasured gifts:  Bitter Cassava T-shirts.
Another Mausican making a contribution here in Atlanta is Alan Simpson, de man from Grande. He is deeply involved in the Memorial Day Carnival and the Trinidad and Tobago Association of Georgia.  At the Family day picnic, Alan had the children and adults participating in 50 yd race,  bag race, egg and spoon, needle and thread and windball cricket. Everybody had a good time.
I was holding the rope at the finish line.
Sincere condolences to the bereaved.
Let's continue "Living The Legacy".
As usual,
Rodney Foster 68

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