Friday, April 15, 2016

RE: Another Mausica mini reunion

Six of our family visited Cuba and Jamaica via Cuba Cruise.  It was an awesome week (April 4 to 11/16).  We enjoyed one another as much as we enjoyed the warmth and sunshine in Cuba.  During our cruise we shared many Mausica memories - mostly hilarious ones.
We thought of all of you as we sipped our mojitos when we visited Santiago de Cuba.
In the picture - Phil Ramsankar (honarary Mausican), Marina Leung Woo Ramsankar (64 - 66), Yvonne Murray (65 -67),  Brenda Alexander (63 - 65), Brenda Wilson Walters (63 - 65),  Florence Harvey Sorias (64 - 66).
"and this too will pass"
Brenda Alexander-Perez 65

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