Wednesday, March 02, 2016

RE: Greetings

My Fellow Mausicans,
I love reading the blog and sharing my contributions.
Thank you Leonora for pressing the "Send" button. Keep writing and pressing "Send". Welcome aboard.
Gwen, thanks for your encouragement, my Barataria Sister from Eleventh Street. Thanks for sharing some of the lyrics from "Never My Love". What a heavy tune. No wonder I dream of Mausica every day.
Like the Pointer Sisters say, "We are family."
Cousin Carlston , you are right about plans for Reunion 2017.
I intend to be in TNT in May, 2016. I would like to attend a meeting, share some ideas and socialize.  I suggest we seek some corporate sponsors for some of our events: breakfasts, T -shirts, drinks (hard and soft), scholarships etc. I have three Mausica vinyl albums that I would like to donate to a museum, or library for public display.
Calling all Mausica authors. Can we have some book parties so that we can exhibit our talents and make a dollar. .My friend, Efebo , once told me, "Dolphie, share de culture but make ah dollar."
By de way, are our Reunions profitable? Can we leave a financial legacy to perpetuate the memory of our beloved Mausica? Can we appeal to the present government and philanthropists to build a performing Arts Center in the East.  The MTC Performing Arts Center..
Remember, what we can conceive we can achieve.
Gwen, you reminded us about storytelling.
Can anyone tell the story of how a college that opened in mid 1963 won Folksong Championships in 1964 and 1966. What became of the script for "Village Bacchanal."  My roommate, Carlsbury Gonzalez, was  de starboy.
Yuh tink Mausicans easy, nah. We had  Queens Hall beggin fuh more.
Aye, look at de time, 3:30 a..m.  Dat was we salary in 1968.
Aye, Graham, dey  lift de ban on wildlife  hunting, yet?
Ah gorn,
As usual,
Rodney Foster..66-68

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