Saturday, March 12, 2016


H Errol,
Those photos of former Mausicans so lovingly around  Mr. Williams helping him to celebrate his 99th birthday is a great human story!  It tugged at my emotions and made me joyful because it reflected the goodness of God.
It is an uplifting story of one man who made such a great impact on the lives of his students that more than 50 years later, the desire and motivation to let him know how much we care, love and appreciate him for all he tried to do to empower us and make us well-rounded people, are still very strong within our hearts. We have all been witnesses to his life as a  legend in our time - and God has blessed him with long life and an alert mind.
How wonderful to see so many of my dear colleagues from the Pioneer Mausicans looking sharp and fit.
I feel jealous that I was not there with you all for the occasion.*:( sad  There was Eulalie laughing her head off with Allan Clovis; Jack and Maureen Warner; Felix Edinborough, Carole Reveillac; and Farida Chapman.
Well done folks, everyone who made the time to go has done us all proud.
Love and Blessings
Vernetta Brewster Calvin-Smith 65

Friday, March 04, 2016


Dear Errol, from time to time I see Hazel Thompson-Ahye on television, explaining what we should do to improve the performance and behaviour of young people. Recently I was particularly pleased to listen to her respond to the searching questions of Fazeer Mohammed on Morning Edition. She was being interviewed about recent developments in schoolchildren indiscipline, one of the areas of her expertise. Fazeer, expert that he is , zeroed in on the way forward to solve this serious problem. Hazel, expert that she, confidently and clearly described the way forward and left Fazeer hungry for more enlightenment. I would like to commend her for steadfastly standing up for the rights of children. Unfortunately, I fear that she is just another one of our insightful, educated intellectuals crying in the wilderness. You go girl, FIGHT FOR WHAT IS RIGHT.
Donald Graham 73


Bravo to Hazel Thompson Ahye.  Mausicans have a responsibility to keep the nations feet to ghe fire in terms of caring for our  stringband of children who seem to be lacking in guidance from parents other relatives teachers principals and priests. They are lost   Throw out a lifeline to them.
Linda E. Edwards(Romain 67-69)

Wednesday, March 02, 2016

RE: Greetings

My Fellow Mausicans,
I love reading the blog and sharing my contributions.
Thank you Leonora for pressing the "Send" button. Keep writing and pressing "Send". Welcome aboard.
Gwen, thanks for your encouragement, my Barataria Sister from Eleventh Street. Thanks for sharing some of the lyrics from "Never My Love". What a heavy tune. No wonder I dream of Mausica every day.
Like the Pointer Sisters say, "We are family."
Cousin Carlston , you are right about plans for Reunion 2017.
I intend to be in TNT in May, 2016. I would like to attend a meeting, share some ideas and socialize.  I suggest we seek some corporate sponsors for some of our events: breakfasts, T -shirts, drinks (hard and soft), scholarships etc. I have three Mausica vinyl albums that I would like to donate to a museum, or library for public display.
Calling all Mausica authors. Can we have some book parties so that we can exhibit our talents and make a dollar. .My friend, Efebo , once told me, "Dolphie, share de culture but make ah dollar."
By de way, are our Reunions profitable? Can we leave a financial legacy to perpetuate the memory of our beloved Mausica? Can we appeal to the present government and philanthropists to build a performing Arts Center in the East.  The MTC Performing Arts Center..
Remember, what we can conceive we can achieve.
Gwen, you reminded us about storytelling.
Can anyone tell the story of how a college that opened in mid 1963 won Folksong Championships in 1964 and 1966. What became of the script for "Village Bacchanal."  My roommate, Carlsbury Gonzalez, was  de starboy.
Yuh tink Mausicans easy, nah. We had  Queens Hall beggin fuh more.
Aye, look at de time, 3:30 a..m.  Dat was we salary in 1968.
Aye, Graham, dey  lift de ban on wildlife  hunting, yet?
Ah gorn,
As usual,
Rodney Foster..66-68