Monday, January 25, 2016

RE: Celebration Time

My Fellow Mausicans,
1 Corinthians 12:26 " If one member suffers, all suffer together with it; if one member is honored, all rejoice together with it."
On Sunday morning, when I read that verse, I rejoiced.
On Friday, when my Havenite Brother,  Kent Geezmo Rennie, informed me of Professor Theodore Lewis' most recent appointments,  I  was overjoyed.
I remembered when Theodore was baptized during initiation, 1967. It was Selwyn Bethelmy, his room-mate, alias Sto,  who named him Scratchie. Everbody loved Scratchie.
Congrats Brother Scratchie and all the other members of the two committees. May you all fulfill the Mausica Motto: Molding a Nation Through Service.
Marcus belated Happy Birthday.  This year, 2016, many more students from the 66-68 group will celebrate their 70th birthday.
We should organize a 70th Birthday Brunch.
Ah comin down in May to attend ah wedding.
Perhaps de Grells, Clive and Mary,  could plan ah lime. Geezmo, you, Cutty, Gregory Byrne, the Mausicans from South and de Braithwaites could throw ah fete in Point or Sando.
So long for now my Brothers and Sisters. May you all enjoy a Prosperous and Healthy New Year.
As usual,
Rodney Foster. 66-68

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