Friday, January 29, 2016


Hello Errol,
Post for the blog:
Just dropping by to say Mr. Williams is so loved and appears incredibly blessed with age. So wonderful to see that he has not been forgotten by his children who truly treasure him with the greatest virtue "love"!
Thanks for posting those pictures!
Grace and Mercy,
 Bernadette Pierre '66

Congratulations to Happy on  making a return to the Calypso Monarch Semi finals on Saturday after a long hiatus. Calypso aficionados will recall his masterful ditty ' Boy George' which was a take-off on the then prime minister, George Chambers.
...hope you make it to the Big Yard...
Good luck
'take time to laugh for it is the  music of the soul....'
Finbar Ryan 72


This is a reminder of the Brunch on Carnival Sunday February 7th at the Larry Gomes Stadium, Arima. We will meet from 11.00am.
Ladies bring eats and men bring drinks.
Please spread the word to all Mausicans... many of them do not receive these weekly emails.
For more information or to let us have an idea of who is coming, you may call -
Howard Spencer - 473/7185
Phyllis Mottley - 777/4015
Sheila Warner - 781/4642
Angela McAlister - 487/7705
Thanks Gwen...looking forward to seeing you. Errol and Gregory...hope to see you too.
Be safe.
Angela McAlister 72

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

RE: Fw: Mr Williams

Hello Errol,
I am just sharing a few photographs.
Eulalie Lawrence, Barbara Davis and Angela Ifill...... following Holy Communion with Mr Williams at the Home on 26/01/16.
He is in good spirits...... still witty.
Angela Cato-Ifill 1965-1967

Monday, January 25, 2016

RE: Celebration Time

My Fellow Mausicans,
1 Corinthians 12:26 " If one member suffers, all suffer together with it; if one member is honored, all rejoice together with it."
On Sunday morning, when I read that verse, I rejoiced.
On Friday, when my Havenite Brother,  Kent Geezmo Rennie, informed me of Professor Theodore Lewis' most recent appointments,  I  was overjoyed.
I remembered when Theodore was baptized during initiation, 1967. It was Selwyn Bethelmy, his room-mate, alias Sto,  who named him Scratchie. Everbody loved Scratchie.
Congrats Brother Scratchie and all the other members of the two committees. May you all fulfill the Mausica Motto: Molding a Nation Through Service.
Marcus belated Happy Birthday.  This year, 2016, many more students from the 66-68 group will celebrate their 70th birthday.
We should organize a 70th Birthday Brunch.
Ah comin down in May to attend ah wedding.
Perhaps de Grells, Clive and Mary,  could plan ah lime. Geezmo, you, Cutty, Gregory Byrne, the Mausicans from South and de Braithwaites could throw ah fete in Point or Sando.
So long for now my Brothers and Sisters. May you all enjoy a Prosperous and Healthy New Year.
As usual,
Rodney Foster. 66-68

Friday, January 22, 2016


Fellow Mausicans, please continue to be blessed and highly favored. Congratulations to all Mausicans who are still making a positive difference in this world that is fraught with mediocrity and uncertainty. We certainly know what we are about, no matter what.  We have the fortitude, and patience both hallmarks of true service.
Hi Pearl, great hearing from you. I do remember "This too shall pass." Would you believe I use it with young people who are going through trials and need to focus on the big picture. The whole visualization technique. Every time I use it of course, Mausica is never far away.
We continue to be thankful for all the valuable lessons learned.
Stay blessed all of you.
Anna Maria Mora 70


Dear Errol,
It was perhaps God's Grace which caused us to meet by the Renegades pan yard on Wednesday night, then again at the Silver Stars pan yard. I told you about my plight - not being able to access the Blog after my computer had crashed. In less than 2 days here we are again. Fantastic. i am extremely glad to regain access.
Do keep up the good works.
May God Bless you abundantly.
Gregory Wallace 67


Happy New Year Greetings.
I missed the Jamaica reunion (my loss) but I am definitely in on the February 7 bash. Like Errol and Maria, you do keep our energies up. Blessings.
Gwendoline Peter-Williams 69

Thursday, January 21, 2016


Hi Errol,
Thank you for your greetings. I wish you the same and pray that you will continue to keep us in touch.
In response to numerous requests and after some discussion it was decided that we would organize a Carnival lime,
however there was some delay in confirming a venue.
Yes, there will be a  Brunch on Carnival Sunday - February 7th 2016.
Venue - Larry Gomes Stadium, Arima
Time - 11.00am to 6.00pm
Cost - Ladies bring eats, men bring drinks
DJ music will be supplied.
Looking forward to seeing both local and overseas Mausicans!!!
Angela McAlister 72

Monday, January 18, 2016

RE: Congratulations on turning 70

Congratulations to Maurus Allum whose children celebrated the occasion with a real Trini bacchanal party.
Mausicans helped to make the party memorable with tributes from Barbara and Winsley.
"and this too will pass"
Brenda  Alexander-Perez 65

RE: Mausicans continue to excel

I would like to congratulate Selwyn publicly and to let the rest of the Mausica family know the excellent work that he has been doing at the National Film Board.  Selwyn is the producer of The "Ninth Floor" which was partly filmed in Trinidad.  It is a documentary of the events which took place in 1969 at the Sir George Williams University in Montreal.  These events involved numerous Caribbean students.  The documentary is receiving rave reviews and is making the rounds of various cities in Canada.  It was shown in Toronto last Wednesday to a large audience.  These are shots of Selwyn who subsequently had interviews on several TV stations.
"and this too will pass"
Brenda  Alexander-Perez 65