Thursday, June 20, 2013

RE: Reunion 50

Hi Errol
Greetings from the Reunion Committee.
Errol Thanks again for your magnanimous contribution via this blog. It makes communication soooo much easier.
This message is particularly for those who did not submit a form indicating what events they registered/paid for.
This has caused us some additional work as we do not have important information eg a phone contact etc.
Also for those without a form we cannot be certain what year you graduated so on your Registration ID we know that you would like as everyone else to see your name as well as the year you graduated.
We are appealing to those persons to please still download a form and you can email it to us so we can get over these hurdles.
Failure to do so may result in some persons with no year group on their ID or an incorrect year of graduation which we would not like to happen.
Please help us asap.
Also if we did not contact you concerning maxi transport to Mausica on Tuesday 23rd July or to the Eco Resort at Valencia on Wednesday 24th July and you do need transport please let us know where you would be so we can arrange where is the closest pick up point for you to get the maxi taxi.
Thank you.
You may email us at :
for Organizing Committee
Claudina Antoine-Cudjoe 74

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