Saturday, June 29, 2013

RE: link

The passkey link for accommodation is
Interested parties who wish to overnight please be informed that the cost is $149US for single occupancy and $169US for double. This is inclusive of all taxes and breakfast at the waterfront restaurant. The link allows persons to make their reservation which requires the use of a credit card. the deadline for reservations is July 16, 2013.
Clare Creese-Woodley 72

Thursday, June 27, 2013

RE: Passengers for the Ferry

Hi Errol,
This is a call to all those travelling to Tobago by Ferry on Friday 19th July 2013.
We have procured tickets for all those who requested that we get tickets for them
If you had made such a request and you want to verify that we indeed have your ticket please contact us by phone or email
You should contact: Claudina Cudjoe - Phone  676 8153 or 772 9220
Donald Graham   - Phone: 667 8609 or 733 0860
Anna Maria Mora -         Phone: 752 7554
You can also arrange to collect your ticket before Friday 19th when we sail.
Sailing time to Tobago is 10:00 am on Friday 19th July and we return to Trinidad on Monday 22nd July at 1:30 pm.
We thought it best to leave Tobago at 1:30 pm because most people would have to check out of their hotel or resort by 12:00 noon and we also wanted people to get back to Trinidad during daylight hours so they could get home and get a good rest to prepare for the next 4 days of activities.
Persons going to Eco Park we will let you know the pick up points for the maxi taxi by next week
Other queries can also be made to other members of the Committee.
Thanks again Errol and see you all soon
for and on behalf of the Planning Committee
Claudina Antoine-Cudjoe 74

Saturday, June 22, 2013

RE: Please resend the Passkey Link

Errol could you put the passkey link on the blog for the next 2/3 weeks. it contains the info about accommodation at the Hyatt after the dinner. Thanks much
Subject: Re: Please resend the Passkey Link
We truly are sorry about the delay. 
Please feel fee to contact me should you have any concerns as Gemma is out of the office until next Thursday. 
Have a great evening. 
Sherry Murray
Sent from my iPhone
On Jun 21, 2013, at 8:16 PM, "clare creese-woodley" <> wrote:
thanks the link finally arrived.

From: "" <>
Sent: Friday, June 21, 2013 4:14 PM
Subject: Please resend the Passkey Link
Hi Claire,
It was a pleasure speaking with you.
Our reservations department has resent the link to you a few minutes ago.
The passkey link was sent to the following address
Do confirm whether you have received it.
Kind regards,
Sherry Murray
Sales Manager 
1 Wrightson Road, Port of Spain, Trinidad
T: 868 821 6464   F: 868 821 6450
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Clare Creese-Woodley 72

Thursday, June 20, 2013

RE: Reunion 50

Hi Errol
Greetings from the Reunion Committee.
Errol Thanks again for your magnanimous contribution via this blog. It makes communication soooo much easier.
This message is particularly for those who did not submit a form indicating what events they registered/paid for.
This has caused us some additional work as we do not have important information eg a phone contact etc.
Also for those without a form we cannot be certain what year you graduated so on your Registration ID we know that you would like as everyone else to see your name as well as the year you graduated.
We are appealing to those persons to please still download a form and you can email it to us so we can get over these hurdles.
Failure to do so may result in some persons with no year group on their ID or an incorrect year of graduation which we would not like to happen.
Please help us asap.
Also if we did not contact you concerning maxi transport to Mausica on Tuesday 23rd July or to the Eco Resort at Valencia on Wednesday 24th July and you do need transport please let us know where you would be so we can arrange where is the closest pick up point for you to get the maxi taxi.
Thank you.
You may email us at :
for Organizing Committee
Claudina Antoine-Cudjoe 74

RE: Hello Errol

I taught at Salazar Trace Government School from September '67 to February 71. During my tenure I taught Standard 7.
Dr. Pete Hall ('65 - '67)

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

RE: Cutty

Hello Cutty,
My first roommate at Mausica, Leroy Cox, taught in La Brea or Point. Brighton E C, I believe. Keith Aqui also was in Point  and showed of his football skills with or against Civic Center.  Contact Keith for more details. I believe Phillip Kendall was also in deep South. Siparia?
While Cox was in La Brea he shared his unforgettable, classic kaiso , "Mausica", with " Solid Seven" combo who renamed it " Go Go Calypso"  The tune was a big hit and stayed on the charts for many weeks.
Aye, Cutty, 'Clang',  doh forget tuh walk with yuh cuatro fuh de lime. Ah hope you, Gizmo and Gregory Byrne bringin up de Point possee.
As usual,
Rodney Foster. 68

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

RE: mausica connection

I got your e-mail from Donald Walker.
I am a past graduate from 1977 - 1979 and would like to be added to your e-mail listings so I can stay connected.
Much appreciated!
Anand Gogar
6 Barnes Drive,
Ontario, Canada

Sunday, June 09, 2013


There is some misinformation.  Kariwak was never branded as the host venue for the reunion. It is one of the many venues suggested to particpants as a choice. Thank you so much Mr. Jones for putting "The Branch" into the mix.  Those participants who have not yet decided now have more choices.  Thank you again.
Anna Maria Mora
President: The Organizing Committee

RE: New Gmail Address - Joy Barnes

Good evening!
I hope all of you are doing well. At the behest of my son, I am changing my email account services to Gmail. Effective immediately, please change my email address to
I will be canceling my AOL account so please only use my Gmail account to contact me.
Thank you and God Bless!
Joycelyn Marshall-Barnes 66

Saturday, June 08, 2013


Dear Cutty,
I an pleased to announce my attachment with Point Fortin schools
I taught at Point Fortin College. When I started there that was the name of that school. Then came the name change to Point Fortin Secondary School when the first set of Junior Secondary schools graduates joined the school population and changed the tenure and tone of that college.
I taught there from September 1974 before my marriage and then until December 1976. as the English and Drama teacher
Cutty what is the final position on the San Fernando Festival Trophy?
 Dr. Merle Dillon - Baker - 1966 -1968

Sunday, June 02, 2013

RE: Email change

My Hotmail email address is compromised. Please use the above
Murchison Sylvester dcn 66

Saturday, June 01, 2013


Dear Fellow Mausicans,
Knowing that Kariwak is the host venue for the reunion, I'll like to offer The Branch (Bed and Breakfast) as overflow for anyone interested.  The Branch, situated in French Fort, Tobago,   will be available from  June 14th.  at the following prices:
Single with breakfast - $545.00
Double with breakfast - $595.00
Price  includes 24 hr. complimentary snacks, bottled water and a variety of hot beverages.
Lunch - $75.00 a person and includes a non-alcoholic beverage
Dinner - $150.00 a person and includes 4 courses ( appetizer, soup or salad, main course and dessert) and a glass of wine.
Please visit our web site:
Phone (after June 12th. ) 688-7663
USA Magic Jack in Tobago - 813-379-8919
Before June 12th. I am available by US phones 813-620-0279 (home)  or 813-356-5653 (cell)
Best wishes,
Lydia (Naimool) Jones 72