Dear Errol, hope that we can get this in for tomorrow. Anna Maria
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From: Joan Brathwaite
Date: Thu, Jul 5, 2012 at 6:14 PM
Subject: Mausica 2013
To: Anna Maria Mora
Hi to all Mausicans
Our 2013 Reunion/50th Anniversary Celebration is approximately 1 year away. The members of the Organizing Committee thank you for your patience. We know that you were very anxious to hear the details of this Grand Celebration but we wanted to dot the I's and cross the T's before divulging information.
We started the conversation in November 2011 and that resulted with a Christmas brunch at the Trinidad Hilton. Pictures of this event were posted on the blog. Our Committee worked long and hard with meetings in North, South and Central Trinidad. We will be heading to Tobago for a meeting. We hope that our efforts are appreciated.
We are working assiduously to finalize all events, with costing. The weekend in Tobago we all agree is a MUST. There is only one weekend and it is the first weekend after every one gets in. Remember that we start on 19th July 2013, therefore we want to get the Tobago Celebration "JUST RIGHT." We are also finalizing that "RETURN TO OUR ROOT- MTC" It is all there, so please be patient. The Registration Form will be posted on the website by Friday 27th July 2012. Fear not we wukkin'
Anna Maria, Joan, Claudia, Claudina, Phyllis, Finbar, Jemma, Angela, Elsa, Clare, Yvonne, Adjodha, Cutty, Mieve, Donald, Elinor, Godwin, Jasper, Eastlyn, Alan et al.
Anna Maria Mora