Wednesday, November 11, 2009


Thanks, thanks, thanks again Errol, for all the current Mausica news. I look forward to them in my part of the world where I see no Mausican face.It's especially good when I see names of our pioneer group. Like Ainsworth Such good memories are stirred up. Somehow I wasn't able to access Mrs Cuffie's address. I would like to communicate with her. Recent pictures of Kay, Megan. Florence and others made my day. It was sad to hear of Brdgette's passing. Sad to say I just lost a brother Paul last week to a heart attack. He was only 58. But we know that death is part of life. It was good to see your photo too since over 30 years? And still looking good. Keep up the good works, and God be with you.
Pat Gill, Robbins

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