Sunday, August 03, 2008

HAPPY EMANCIPATION, EVERYONE! Remember that "We stand tall because we stand on the backs of those who went before us" This is a Yoruba Proverb. At one time I was not sure whether I would be part of the celebrations this year, because of the state of our nation, but I ran workshops for the Youth Day,because I think that the children need the guidance, the support and at least one day of happiness, then my spirit urged me, saying that as a people we need all the support, positive vibrations and prayers that we can get, so I will be on the streets of POS this morning, giving all the emotional, physical and spiritual support that I can give. I remember and celebrate my mother's mother, my mother, my aunts, my uncles and all those on whose backs I stand, who have made me who I am today and continue to be an inspiration and provide me with the strength, perseverance, determination and resilience. Bounce back I do all the time. Pat, thanks for the info on the Roots and Culture Tour. I am planning a trip to NY to just keep in touch with some really great Trinis who shared my sojourn at Columbia University. I really do love NY and all the richness of the culture, the music. Harlem, Broadway, Doh talk about the Village. Anyway, I will get in touch with Grenada re: the t'shirts and if they want me to shop around I will, because I just sent them one supplier, and I know that there might be cheaper options some where out there.
Anna Maria Mora

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