Friday, November 09, 2007

Re: Vintage Mausica slides
Hello Errol,
When we were in Tobago recently for the Reunion, there was a fellow Mausican, who presented a slide show depicting various aspects of Mausica life. I believe his name was Richard, but I can’t recall his last name.
The slides were in a very bad shape and they were beginning to fall apart in the projector. Anyhow, he asked me to take them back with me to see what could be done to salvage this piece of Mausica treasure. I have since checked around here in Vancouver, and there is a Photo Shop that will transfer the slides to DVD or other digital formats for $1.00 per slide (plus taxes). There are approximately 200 slides in the container.
If there is interest in preserving the slides, then invite people to respond in writing with their suggestions; and have Richard (or whoever gave me the slides) to contact me as follows. After November 19th, e-mail me at (selwyn underscore Jacob)
Keep up the good work.
Selwyn Jacob

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