Friday, July 27, 2018


My Fellow Mausicans,
Starting today, you will be receiving MAUSICA WEEKLY EMAILS from a new address, namely,, Yours truly will still be the person sending them.  You will most likely find an email similar to this one in your Junk/Spam/Trash folder.  The email address ( will no longer be used for the weekly emails.
One year ago, my ISP discontinued hosting web pages.  Four years ago, the Canadian Anti-Spam Legislation (CASL) came into being.  Five years ago, it was suggested that, I should hand over the job to another.  In an effort to make that transfer as smooth as possible when the time comes, I have changed the email address from personal to generic.  I also seized the opportunity to re-include the addresses which were dropped after 2014-JUN-27 mailing since this is a new leaf.  Given the outcome of the cases before the court after 2017-JUL-01, I’ve determined that I overreacted to the CASL and I apologize for any inconvenience it may have caused.  Given that any liability would have been entirely my own, I doubt I’ll react differently under similar future circumstances.
I managed to acquire a new domain, mtcalumni.comSometimes it works and sometimes it doesn’t. If it gets too bad, I’ll seek another alternative.  The old web pages are now available but a few links may not work.  The new site is “work in progress”.  Should you find anything wrong on the pages, please inform me and I shall fix it.
I have, in the past, made my Mausica files available in the “Cloud” to two other trusted and responsible Mausicans.  I take your privacy seriously.  I have also provided a copy of all the email addresses to a member of the Mausica Reunion organizing committee.  Updates are forthcoming.
To date, no one has stepped forward to take over so the job is still mine.
In case you are wondering, to the best of my knowledge, I am in reasonably good health mentally (I still remember how to dance.) and physically (I can still dance.).  Some may disagree with my self-assessment but the debate on that is now closed.  The heat might get me first.
I enjoy the job of keeping Mausicans connected and look forward to continuing for some time to come.  You will be informed if and when I am no longer capable.  Who knows what the future holds?
Change is good.
Errol Lashley 65