Wednesday, March 28, 2018

RE: Furneral Service for Robert Devenish

Hi Errol and fellow Mausicans,
Robert Devenish 1972-1974 passed away last Saturday. The funeral arrangements for NYC is as follow:
Brooklyn Saturday March 30th 2018, at Mt. Hebron Evangelical Church 741 Remsen Avenue Brooklyn New York.
Viewing is from 3:00pm to 5:00pm, and Service from 5:00pm. A Repass will be held downstairs immediately after the Service.
I understand that he will be buried in Trinidad next month. I will share that information when I receive them.
Hoping to see all under better conditions during the 2019 Caribbean Cruise.
Carlston Gray. 1972-1974


Hi Errol,
Hope you are warm and comfortable with the cold weather.  Take care of yourself.
I have been asked to pass on the information.
It is with profound sadness we announce the passing of Robert  Devenish  [72/74], who died on Saturday March 24, 2018 at Coler - Goldwater Hospital,  Roosevelt Island, U.S.A. The body will be flown to Trinidad for burial on April 14 for a funeral service to be held at the Catholic Church in Arouca.
Please put this on the BLOG this week.
Thanks much;  God bless.
Carol Brown 74

Tuesday, March 13, 2018

RE: [Mausica Reunion] New comment on RE: Marilyn Murray.

Herbert Garvin has left a new comment on your post "RE: Marilyn Murray":
It was only on Sunday last that I heard of the death of Rudolph Datadeen (72 - 74). We've lost another Mayfarian on January 4th, 2018.
Herbert Garvin 75