Thursday, January 04, 2018

RE: Another sister lost

Dear Errol,
I was saddened to learn of the death today of yet another Mausican, Cheryl Selman (1970 or 1971?). Both she and her sister, Yolande, attended Mausica.
it was only a few days ago that I learnt that Cheryl was gravely Ill and I was told of plans for a prayer group to visit and pray with her. We were waiting to hear form her family when it would be convenient for us to see her, at  her sister' s home.  May she rest in peace.
Cheryl was a gentle, lovely girl and was very active in the church. I will always remember the very broad smile with which she would greet you.
May she rest in peace.
Please remember Mrs.Cuffie's birthday on Saturday, January 6.
Best wishes to all of my Mausican family for health, happiness, safety and prosperity in 2018.
Hazel Thompson-Ahye 70