MY Fellow Mausicans,
On Friday evening, I had a very interesting discussion/argument about TIME.
My friend was upset because I was late for a 2:00 p.m appointment. He had informed me that there was no need to rush because he would be home all evening. In addition , he was aware of the traffic problem on the 91 East FWY and the 15 South in southern CA.
I arrived safely about 5:00 pm. I was thankful, I explained that over this Labor Day weekend over 500 people would not arrive alive at their intended destination. I informed him that in the old African tradition there was no concept of lateness. The gods/spirits were in control of our time. My friend reminded me that he was African-American. He also wears two watches.
How should we define time? One morning, as i en=inched my way during the rush-hour traffic, I heard this definition "Time is a series of responses in an ever changing environment."
Mausica Reunion 2017 was a blessed and enjoyable time because we started out by by acknowledging the Creator of time. At Divine Ministries in Diego Martin, the Duncans and their team ran the first leg. It was a beautiful start. Prayer, good food, music and fellowship were the main ingredients. That pattern was followed for subsequent events.
My brother, Andre Stephens, met me at the airport. The following night, we had our first and only rehearsal for the Mausica Calypso Tent. Alisford picked up Marjorie for the trip to Divine Minitries. Brother Efebo dropeed me off later that evening. As usual, Sister Angela Cato Ifill delivered starch and julie mangoes, Sister Lynette and Poole, Saleem brought a few avocados and more starch and julie. Brother Graham aslo gave two mangoes
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