Wednesday, June 29, 2016

RE: Sister Ivy Pacheco

I attended the graduation ceremony of St. Xavier's Private RC school a week ago here at home. At the helm of this school is Sister Ivy Pacheco who is a Mausican 72-74.  Sr Ivy entered the Convent in 1976. She taught at Maracas RC, St. Pius Boys'RC and Moruga RC before leaving for St. Vincent in 1991. She spent 22 years there where she retired as the Principal of St. Mary's RC. On her return, she took up the challenge to head St. Xavier's.
The Chairperson for the graduation ceremony was Mrs Susan Weekes Perryman (graduate of '72). I also saw Mrs Beulah Redhead fulfilling the supportive granny role.
Some of us are still out there in the vineyard.
Angela (Weatherhead) Jarvis ("73)

RE: Mausica

Dear Errol,
It was a joy to visit Mr. Williams this morning. He told me it was a shock and a joy to see me. He said it several times. Since our 50th anniversary I had promised to visit him to read the poem I had done up at Mausica when we had the concert. I had read it over the phone to him then, but had always promised to visit him at Jubilee Street. You can see from the video how he has al his wits about hi. He greeted me in French, "Bon Jour," but when I answered him in French,he said, "No compran." I told him he could not switch languages on me from French to Spanish. I told him I had told Gwen I would visit and he said he sees her all the time. He assured me that he was happy and being treated well. He likes it there. I promised to visit again soon as he wants a copy of the poem. I told him I lived close by and he wanted to know how I had not come before. I had come from mass at Mt. St.Benedict and brought him a buljol sandwich and Nestle drink from on the Mount,  but they said he could have it later.They told me visiting time was from 9:00 am. but they let me in although I arrived there before 8:am.
I am attaching a video my husband made of our visit, as well as the poem which I had to retype last night as I could not find a soft copy. You will see from the video that Mr. Williams said he knew about Freddy the frog and could not forget Chris Osborne and how delighted he seemed to be  about the other memories about Mausica.
I also promised him I would visit Mrs. Cuffie. I went to a funeral of a teacher at All Saints church last week and as I passed by the Home, I promised myself I must make time to visit her.
God Bless my Mausica family and keep each and every one of you safe.


                       Eric Eustace Williams the father of our nation
For the advancement of education conceived a vision
To revolutionize teacher education that would be on par
With world standard, and so was born a college named Mausica
Fro existing colleges he took educators who were the very best
To train young teachers from north south east and west
He ensured every creed and race was represented there
When in 63 Mausica opened its doors to one hundred and ten pioneer
These brave men and women some of whom are in our m
Began to live the motto of “Moulding a nation through service.”
Their lasting legacy we celebrate even to this fiftieth year
We salute them and for those who have died we shed a tear.

But what is this Mausica legacy that we cherish and love?
It ranges from our folk song choir to kissing Freddy the frog
Remember Silver Springs Orchestra that we waited for in vain
And when worms from Grell cup gardening caused emotional pain
Blindfolded, we thought we were given garden worms to eat
Then discovered was noodles touching our tongue and teeth
What of Morning Assembly with erudite impromptu speech
No wonder some of them in Parliament, they reach
Politicians as diverse as Morris Marshall and indomitable Jack
Ojah -Maharaj and Acheson alias Rodney Charles were inside the pack
 Anna Maria Mora threw her hat in the ring for COP
And Eastlyn McKenzie decided to bow out
We showcased talents in drama, singing, poetry and dance
Arts and Craft and other skills were also enhanced
For singing calypso some girls wanted to cut mih tail
But Noel T and Parmesad gave protection from buxom female
Mayfair mansion was the worst hostel on campus for boys
Used to disturb your sleep with maco radio station noise
They always used to know who was going with who
But among them handsome men were very few
Everyone had a nickname, the meanings we did not always know
Maybe the Warden could tell why they called Scratchy so
I knew one they called Cowboy did not like to bathe at all
And the measured one known as Flagpole was not really so tall
Agnes Howell and friends used to put on some wicked skits
Mausicans in drama and arts festival were a great hit
We had our way of doing things in Mausica country
Where else could you bow and unbow and do it with glee
Who could forget roti an dorange juice on a Wednesday night
And Mr.Julien who would give seconds if you ask him right
Remember Harry Joe dancing with white kerchief I hand
Moping he brow of sweat from dancing with young woman
We recall our home Economics teacher Beryl wood
If you put a ‘s’ on her name she would buff you good
“I am only one Wood,” she would cry
While Miss Hordatt would shake her head and sigh.

Constance Fanny Roopchand taught us Sociology
Douglass, Science, Romain, Literature, and Baptiste, History
Dukhan introduced us to Psychology and Harribance, the psychic
While Maunday, boss in Industrial Arts had Scratchie as devoted sidekick
Furlonge tried to tech me New Math in vain
Was like battling locusts in Mausica after the rain
When Chris Osborne came, on his very first day
“Mausica stinks, I will clean it up,” he did say
And when the thief took ladies underwear from off the line
Say they take shadow, will return for substance they leave behind
The Cuff could mess you up with a voice real cool
When she tell me better late than never I felt like a fool.
We came to Mausica to learn to teach and got added bonus
How to live on forty dollars a month, to gamble and cuss
When is teaching practice we busy like a bee
Preparing the best chart and lessons for supervisor to see
Nervously we hoped to get off to good start
Shedding tears when experiments and plans fell apart
Some came to Mausica, fell in love, married life partner
And we learnt to live in harmony with one another
We learnt lessons that did not always come from book
Mad life-long friends, shared experiences that took
Many of us to reach higher heights, acquire divers degrees
To build our country of origin and some overseas

We matured with grace, made contributions to society
In teaching and in so many other spheres of activity
Some stayed in the classroom giving students their all
For others becoming principals and supervisors was their call
Yet others chose the path of university lecturer, businessman, psychologist,
Permanent secretary, lawyer, artist, musician, writer, feature on the list
Pierrot Grenade, steelband judge, calypso and mas too
You will find that we Mausicans are a motley crew
In this year, twenty-thirteen our anniversary date
There is o much that we can and must celebrate
We thank God for our beloved extended Mausica family
And if He will, may He grant us life to see another anniversary.

Hazel Thompson-Ahye
23- 07- 2013"
Hazel Thompson-Ahye 70